Chapter 16 - Burning Bridges

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Art Credit: Help me find the artist!

The basketball court was empty today morning. "Good morning," Misaki was sprawled out over a set of stairs, dribbling the ball between her knees. "Aw, were you bored without me?" I lightly punched her arm.

"No one's around" She tossed the ball to me. It was my turn to dribble. "Well, I brought you someone new." I jerked my thumb to Eri clutching Midoriya's hand. "Aw, that's cute. You guys have a kid now?" She teased. "No, shut up!" I giggled. I bounced the ball towards Eri. It was too big for her tiny hands. "Want to play catch?" I asked. She nodded enthusiastically.

"Hey Rylie!" Shinso shouted from the other side. He came along with Tsukki on the court. I fist-bumped Tsukki's classmate. "So I heard two other members had a fallout. Thought you could use a replacement." Shinso borrowed the ball from Eri and spun it on the tip of his finger. "Yea sure you lazy dog. I had to drag you out of bed." Tsukki massaged his shoulders. A shy smile emerged on Shinso's face and he scratched the back of his frizzy hair. "So, what are we playing?" He dodged his question. MIdoriya walked Eri to the court.

"We're playing catch with Eri," I pointed to the small girl who jumped to tap Midoriya's palms. "Sounds fun. Yo, last one to the basket looses!" He nudges Tsukki and charged to Midoriya and Eri, dribbling the ball. "Wait, hold up. Why does your class have a kid?" He extended a finger to the small girl. "Ah, it's a long story..." That I didn't want to remember. "Hey Misaki, you've been awfully quiet. You want to join?" Anything to change the subject. Tsukki gave me a scowl before he returned to Shinso. Misaki was lost in thought.

She traced circles on the sand, not paying attention to the question. "Uh no, I don't feel like it." She rested her cheek on her wrist. "What's wrong?" I sat on the stairs beside her. "I don't know, it doesn't feel the same anymore..." She hugged her knees. I picked up a leaf and began tearing it into fine shreds.

"Remember there was a time not so long ago, we all used to hangout together? As friends..." She sunk her face between her knees. "Yea, it has been a while," I agreed.

"I don't think those times will come back" We both watched as Shinso taught Eri to score a basket.

"Hey, that's not true. I mean we're here right? We're playing games!" I replied. Everybody cheered for Eri when she finally scored her first basket.

"No, our lives have changed." She fidgeted with here toes. "Tsukki has a new friend, Sakura is not herself anymore and Toya, well... I don't even know where he even is right now."

"I am still here." I interjected her.

"No you're not. You have new friends now. A class full of, full of - I don't know, weirdos" She kicked a pebble lying on the sand. It left a small dent.

I chuckled a bit. "Not all of them. You'll get along with my class. They're super friendly." Except that blond hot-head. "Well, at least most of them," I corrected myself.

"You're acting like everything is going to be okay. Doesn't it feel weird? Everthing has changed" She looked at me all exasperated, her eyebrows were furrowed.

"Well, I was asked out by a guy-twice-in public and this other guy commented on my boob size in front of the whole class. Not whole technically but, yeah it was loud enough." The thought made me cringe.

"Oh, who were these?"

"Um, Denki and Mineta. Don't worry, both of them are weirdos" I waved off her curiosity.

"That's not what I mean. It's like people notice us now." She twirled the laces on her shoes.

"Why, anyone noticing you?"

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