Chapter 17 - Detention

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I arrived ten minutes before homeroom. I dropped my bag at my desk. "Oh good morning, you look cheery today." Ochaco watched me skip to my desk and toward the back of the class.

"Is there something fun I am missing out on?" She followed. "The fun is just about to start," I danced my fingers at the overhead projector. With my quirk, I switched it on.

"Oh good morning Bakugo!" I waved over to the blond entering the class. He avoided me until the blinding light hit his face. He shielded his eyes with his palms and his attention was drawn to the whiteboard. Projected on the screen were two Youtube videos paused at unsightly disturbing moments. The video on the left was paused at a frame where Bakugo was distressed being nearly eaten by a sludge-villain and the video on the right showed him hand-cuffed by the League of Viallins when All Might entered the scene.

"Ring any bells?" I walked up the defenseless blond. "Stop it!" Midoriya jumped into the light distorting the image on the whiteboard. "Rylie, this is getting out of hand!" Iida marched up to me. "Aw, is this weak bitch going to cry?" I used the blond's words against him.

"I'll fucking make you cry!" His right claw lunged out toward me with flames emanating from them. Iida interlaced his arms under mine pulling me away from the attack. To my surprise there was no explosion. Bakugo was as surprised as I was.

"Out," Aizawa was standing at the front of the class. His eyes were flaming red  and his hair was gravity-defying. He gestured a thumb outside the door. "The two of you, I said get out" He repeated. The class was silent. The hair settled back on his shoulders. He turned off the projector with the remote lying on his desk. Reluctantly, I escorted myself out of the class and the blond followed from behind.

The two of us stood outside the class. With my quirk, I used a recorder on the closest device I could find, namely Yuuga Aoyama's cellphone. The door suddenly slid open. "And don't just stand there are school kids. Go help with Math and English assignments." Aizawa barked sending a chill down my spine. "Don't even come back until the two of you have learnt something" the door slammed back shut. I had torn away from the control on Aoyama's phone.

I silently walked down the corridor to the teacher's lounge. I don't know why this blond followed but we didn't speak a word the entire time. All Might was leaning against the counter in the teacher's lounge. "Good morning Sensei!" I greeted the former Symbol of Peace as he sipped herbal tea. He acknowledged, "Young Bakugo and Rylie. Why are you out of class at this time?"

Bakugo scoffed. "Aizawa sensei asked me to grade math and English assignments." I placed a palm on my chest and ignored my classmate. "Detention, I see" He nodded. "Ectoplasm is at the back," He pointed to the hooded male hunched over his desk. "I have a meeting to attend now but I hope the two of you can make the most out of your time here," He raised his cup before leaving us.

"Good morning sensei!" I greeted Ectoplasm. He looked very different without his hero costume. He lowered his square frames. "Good morning. Tell me, what can I do for you?" He smiled. "I need to correct some math assignments. Can I take half of your share?" I peered into his monitor. "Oh," His eyes darted between me and the blond standing behind me. I only imagined Bakugo's eyes must have rolled out of his sockets. "What mess did the two of you get into?" None of us answered Ectoplasm.

"Alright," He said breaking the silence, the two of you can take those empty desks and I'll give you the passwords in a while." He pointed to an empty desk adjacent to his. Two desktops were faced opposite each other. "Sniper and Vlad King are away taking class. So no one should disturb you for the next few hours." He shuffled between his drawers.

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