Chapter 15 - Burn

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Art Credit: @moromi100 on Twitter

"Who is Eri?" I turned to Midoriya. "Sh..." He immediately cupped a palm over my lips. "Toga could hear you. Please don't bring it up."

All Might returned to the students after keeping the call. "I have informed of the situation to the principal. The security breach will heavily be investigated. Everyone is asked to wait in the area." All Might returned the phone back into his pocket. Curiosity killed me.

The task force soon arrived, scanning and surveying the area. A tall man with short black hair in a long tan coat and matching hat appeared beside the symbol of peace. One hand was sunk in his side pocket. "Everything under control detective?" All Might asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, Toshinori. I think the villain walked right in through the front door"He concluded.

"Okay, make sure you have a report for every student collected here!" Recovery Girl ordered a pair of nurses. One male and one female interviewed every class 1-A student.

"Back off! Stop treating me like a kid!" Bakugo slapped the nurse's hand as he tried to inspect his features for cuts. "Sir, please cooperate" he said calmly. "Clear," he told his female colleague as Bakugo demonstrated the use of his quirk. She tapped on the screen of her Ipad as he gave her an update.

I got a candy after I completed my turn. "One injured. Get her to the van!" Recovery Girl barked at the healthcare workers. She stood poignantly, resting both her hands on her syringe-like walking stick.

The cops began to retreat. All Might signed off on a clipboard that the detective handed him. "All right, we'll head back to the lab. We'll send you reports of the data we find. Meanwhile, keep the kids safe." The detective wore back his hat.

"Tsukauchi-san!" Midoriya greeted him. "Hello young MIdoriya," the detective ruffled his hair. "Don't get yourself into trouble," he smiled and returned to the officers. The vehicles and an ambulance drove away. "The bus is here," All Might said with a plain face. I think no one spoke to each other in case one of us happened to be Toga. Everyone was tense, I could tell.

It was a tense and quiet bus ride. I was seated next to Midoriya. "I am sorry if I am buggin' you. Who is..."

"Aah, no need to apologize." He waved his hands frantically in front of him. "I think it important for you to know." He was serious now. "Come with during lunch" He suggested and I agreed. The bus arrived at the main building. We headed straight to the cafeteria without wasting any time.

During lunch, I bought a BLT from Lunch Rush and followed Izuku. We took the stairs to the second floor. To the right of Recovery Girl's room, there was a children's playroom. The ceiling was dotted with glow-in-the-dark stars. A wall hanging hung above our heads with planets attached to its threads. A bright yellow hobbyhorse with wings sat to the left of the room. The textured rug was patterned with All Might chibis. The floor was littered with cars, dolls and building blocks. One wall was painted in baby pink.

A muscular blond male squatted on the wooden floor beside a pile of toys, playing with a little girl and her soft toy. "Mirio-san!" Midoriya waved to the blond. Mirio turned over his shoulder with a grin, "Hey guys!" He waved back. A small girl with long off-white hair, wide bright red irises and small brown horn poking from her forehead eyed my entire appearance. "Hi Eri!" Izuku held out both his palms and the girl-high fived them. "Rylie meet Eri, Eri say hi!" Mirio threw his palm to my side.

The girl ironed out her red pinafore with her small hands. "H-hi Rylie neesan." She smiled a little. I crouched to her height and extended my little pinky  to greet her. She clutched it with both her hands.

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