Chapter 7- Revelations

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Art Credit: @enala(Cant find artist's account!!)

"Good morning!" I greeted when I entered the class. It was 8:15 in the morning when I reached class the next day. "Good morning" I received the customary response from a few other students.

A group of students were gathered around the second row which obscured the space to my desk. "Oh, Rylie-chan!" I traced the source of Mina's voice in the group. A lean boy with chin-length hair spiked down and a hand in his pocket gave way for me. Mina was leaned on the wall behind her, legs crossed and arms draped across her desk and the one behind her. Asui slouched over her desk with her hands between her knees. In the same row, Kaminari sat on his desk with his leg outstretched over Mina's, an arm draped over his bent knee. Kirishima sat on the seat that accompanied it. "I heard that you are taking us to the shopping centre this Sunday?" he looked up at me. "I-I am? No! It was Momo's idea because I needed the stuff to buy for my room."

"Yes! Then it will be fun!" He flexed his biceps in excitement. "Oh, Is everyone coming?" I turned to Mina. "Iida said he was busy, Koda said he had to go home and Bakugo is not interested," Asui answered in her place. "Man, I can't wait to go to the arcade!" Kaminari sizzled with excitement. It was like he was overcome with a subtle electric charge. "And we can go shopping too!" Mina chimed in.

"Hm, it might be difficult to get a bra of your size." A small male with chubby cheeks and an unusually styled mohawk made of dark purple gummy candy-like balls appeared behind the lean male. "Lucky for you, I know a store which sells fancy bras for Size A boobs." he looked up at me as he scratched his chin in thought.

Eh??! I suddenly felt a heavy presence of three other boys shifting their gaze down to my-

Denki quickly jumped to lift the boy with his arms and cuffed the latter's mouth with his hands. He darted away to the other corner of the class. "Excuse me," I pushed the lean guy aside and marched to my desk. On the other side, Denki seemed to be crouched on his knees heavily involved in a discussion with the short boy. It was a few minutes before homeroom. The small boy and Denki appeared beside me again. He cleared his throat which earned him a cold stare from me, sending a chill down his spine. "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself earlier," the short boy spoke clearly not taking a hint, "My name is Minoru Mineta. I didn't mean to make fun of your small boobs. I think they are ama-" He muffled as he struggled to breathe when Denki immediately cuffed him by the mouth and dragged him away. I threw my head on my desk and buried it in my arms.

"Good morning Rylie-chan!" I heard Ochaco's voice in front of me followed by the shuffling of her chair. "Are you okay?"

"I think I'm gonna puke," I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. Everyone was seated in time for homeroom.

"Rylie, take that illness outside my class please." Aizawa barked at me once he completed the attendance call. I straightened in my seat after hearing my name. He shot me a glare before he continued. "I am taking the first three lectures today. Everyone get changed and meet me at the P.E grounds. Oh and Rylie," I paused on my wait out, "expect to put your athletic practise to good use." He tossed me a blue tracksuit. It had broad white lines running around the collar and down the sides.


"Right," He stood in the centre demanding everyone's attention. He was accompanied by Cementoss and the spacesuit hero I recognized from earlier, Thirteen. She slowly tossed a basketball she carried in a net to me and three other students I identified as backbenchers. "Everyone has 30 seconds to steal the ball by any means and keep it dribbling for the next 10." He divided the class into groups of four based on the column of seats we sat in. "Once you finish with your group, move to the next. In the end, the four students take turns with each other." He finished. "Iida and I will monitor two groups each." He paused, "And Iida, find yourself a volunteer on your behalf when you are on the court."

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