barmaid is back

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Tommy and I spent a few more hours last night going over our plans, sealing the deal with a spit swear. We vowed to not tell anyone else of ideas, vowed to not tell anyone who I really was. Except Pol that is. You couldn't keep anything from her even if you tried. Within the deal we also promised to tell each other everything that was going on- despite it may not being any of the other persons business.
Thomas told me about the guns, I encouraged him to tell Polly. Tommy couldn't mess it up, this was serious shit he'd accidentally got himself into.

It was the next morning, I lay in bed wide awake even though it was only 5AM. I hadn't slept well. Shit, I haven't slept well in years. When I did sleep, I dreamt the same dream. I saw the girls up ahead, I was screaming at them to stop running trying to catch up to them. But I never stopped them in time, I watch them die over and over. I hear the screams of the soldiers, the other nurses and myself.

I forced myself out of my bed, grabbing the blanket off of my bed wrapping it around myself as I walked down the stairs to the kitchen. I boiled some water, as I waited I lit a cigarette.

When my tea was made, I grabbed an apple and walked back up the stairs to my room where I opened my curtains as I watched the sun come up. Small Heath wasn't the most beautiful place in the world but the sunrise was always my favourite time of the day, no matter where in the world. It's quiet, tranquil. Only a few early risers up going to work and kids meeting up to play together before school. Seeing the men and women going to work it reminded me that I needed to get a job. I was thinking of seeing if Harry needed a extra pair of hands at the Garrison.

Being resurrected will make getting a job a tad harder, especially as everyone knows me. The Shelbys had forgiven me but they aren't the only ones I had hurt.

I decided to start getting ready at half 8, taking a bath and hair wash it added time to my morning routine. By 10, I was out the door walking towards the Garrison. Harry usually opened up early so he could sort everything out before it opening at noon. I knocked before walking in, not wanting to startle him any further. He was cleaning tables and putting chairs done when she walked in.
"Not open" he gruffed without looking up at her.
"I know Harry" she said softly, not wanting a rerun of the night before.

Harry looked up swiftly at the sound of her voice. Still finding it hard to come to turns that she wasn't actually dead. He viewed her as a daughter, seeing her grow up. Looking out for her after her mother died, he was fond of her and it broke his heart finding out she had passed. Now she was back, he didn't know what to think.

"Scarlett... what happened? Why did they tell me you died?" Harry was trying to blame others for telling him about my false death. I sighed "I needed you all to believe it, you'll see why soon." I stepped forward towards him before he put the hand towel down and moved to give me a hug. "Ive missed you girl" he whispered into her hair. "You too Hazza, I've missed you too" my voice being muffled by his chest.

When he let go, I cheekily smiled up at him. "Do you by any chance need any extra help round here Harry?" He chuckled at the girl. "Of course I could, you remember how everything works?"
"The Shelby's still get everything for free?"

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