a wedding

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It was the day of the wedding, I had left Tommy's bright and early as I needed to get ready also to avoid many people seeing me. I had already picked out one of my nice dresses that I hadn't worn yet. It was a cream colour and had silver decorations on it. The material was flowy and layered. It landed just above my ankles. I paired it with silver heels, I hated wearing heels but I sucked it up. It was a special day, after all.
For accessories, I had a silver necklaces that matched the silver detailing on the dress. I parted my hair in the middle, I had pinned my hair down after I washed it so it dried styled in precise curls. Finishing off my look with slight eyeliner and nude lipstick.

I looked good. I had met up with Polly before picking up Ada. I hugged Ada when I saw her, her bump is so big now. She looked like she was ready to pop. The pregnancy had given her an extra glow, she looked beautiful.

All 3 of us headed up to the wedding, I was waiting around with the rest of the family when I saw the boys approaching, who had their flowers pinned to their suits. As they approached, Johns new fiancé had arrived and was kneeling in front of Johnny Dogs. I reached my hand out and removed the toothpick from Johns mouth. As Tommy pushed him towards the girl.

When John kneeled down, Tommy was looking at me. "Isn't it rude to show up looking better than the bride?" he murmurs to me not wanting any Lees to hear him. I hit him in the chest with the back of my hand as I scoffed. Keeping quiet in respect for the ceremony.

I could see Ada and Tommy were talking quietly to one another out of the corner of my eye.
I look back towards the couple as Johnny Dogs starts to cut their palms to represent the joining of bloods. I lightly wince at the thought. "I promise on our wedding I won't make you do that" Tommy speaks closely into my ear noticing my discomfort. "Who said I'd wanna marry you?" I retorted.
In which he leans back and lowly chuckles. Returning his attention back onto the now married couple. Everyone cheers and claps, at the new couple and at the ending of the feud between families.


I loved weddings. Well, not so much the wedding itself but the party that happens after. Everyone singing and dancing around the fire. Drinks getting handed out left, right and centre. I was drunk, I think everybody knew it too. I was dancing with Arthur spinning around in circles. I felt Tommy's eyes on me, he had been watching me all night.

Tommy realised that he was in love with her as he watched her dance around. The biggest smile latched on to her face, laughing with his brother. Family was the most important and it seemed his family loved her as much as he did.

I made eye contact with Tom after I told Arthur that I needed a break. I walked over to him, he was keeping himself to himself as per usual. "Are you having a nice time Tommy?" I asked when I was in hearing range, moving to stand next to him holding his arm to stop me from swaying. "I am, it seems not as much as you though." I lightly giggled.
"Did you mean it earlier?" I asked drunkenly, Tommy looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Did I mean what?"
"When you said about us getting married, did you mean it?" I say, not thinking through what i'm saying. I'm already embarrassed for when I wake up tomorrow.
"Scarlett, I intend to live the rest of my life with you by my side. So, yes I meant it." He states, acting like what he said didn't just make the happiest girl alive.

Despite me knowing that Ill regret it in the morning I had decided that it was time to tell him how I truly felt. The liquor giving me the confidence to do so. Nothing will stop me. "Tommy..." I turn whilst tugging at him to look at me. "I have to something to confess. I .." I was instantly cut off by Pollys voice. Who was walking towards us "You should tell Ada to slow down." Tommy reluctantly looked away from me curious to what I was going to say. "You think she'll listen to me?"

I drunkenly zoned out looking up at the sky, watching the fireworks. When I looked back at Tom he was walking towards Ada telling her to sit down. Ada begun to push Tommy and starting shouting telling Esme to look at the family she's joined. I quickly went up to her, telling her that it's alright and that she needed to calm down before she hurts the baby.
"Oh you can fucking shut up Scarlett, you disappear for years and when it's good for you, you turn up! Only to then spend all your time with Tom, I miss you too you know! But no, you're so fucking deep up in Tommys arse you can't even see how much of a bad friend you've been!" She screams in my face, shoving me backwards, sending me into Tommy. Who caught me by the waist to keep me from toppling over. "Alright Ada, that's enough!" Tommy was annoyed now. Polly held Ada by the shoulders when Ada started moaning "Holy shit. Water." Took me a second to fully realise what's happening.
I assisted Ada to the car, Polly sat with her comforting her in the back when I hopped in the front with Tom.

The suddenness of Ada going into labour had sobered me up alright. I was looking back at the girls, trying to help by giving words of encouragement. "Scarlett, please" Polly said, telling me to turn around with her eyes. Ada clearly wasn't happy with me. So I kept my eyes forward as Tommy was rushing to get back to the house. I felt his hand on my thigh, giving me a squeeze. I just smiled weakly at him before looking back at the road.

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