in hiding

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The markets had restocked so I went early before work to get some food. On my way home I had an odd feeling as if something bad was going to happen. I looked around before carrying on, I started to go through the alley way close to my house when someone grabbed my arm and put me up against a wall. I let out a slight yelp of surprise, slightly
groaning at my head being knocked against the bricks. It was Inspector Campbell.

"So this is how you treat women, eh?" Pushing his hands off of me. "Scarlett Hemp, ive been meaning to talk to you for a while now. No where has your name on the residency though." That's because my house is under Edith's name. "Surprised you haven't followed me" I sarcastically smile at him. "Oh i've tried Ms Hemp but you always have an escort."He was implying that Tommy is with me every night and usually every morning. "Well its flattering that you gave it a go. Now, what is it that you want?" I ask, getting impatient. "You caused some problems for me last night at the Garrison." He stated. "Oh yes, if Grace had just listened to what Tommy said. Those men would be alive today. Such a shame." I say, shaking my head. "Where are the guns?" Campbell asked completely ignoring my comment about Grace.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "What's a gun?" I felt a swift slap to my face, I slightly chuckle before turning my face towards him again. "Charming man you are."
"Look here, drop your cute act, I know you're involved with Mr Shelby. I know you know where the guns are. Tell me where they are." I hate him so much, I wanted to shoot him right here. "You think i'm cute?" I say with a gasp and a smile. In return I got another slap to the face and my head pushed against the wall. He was really starting to piss me off. "Now, now Mr Campbell. Let me just say, whatever you do to me right here, I will undo on to your precious little Grace but I will make
it ten times worse." I felt him loosen his grip almost immediately I said that.
"Oh shoot! Was I not supposed to know that the bitch is a snitch?" I was pushing his buttons and I will keep pushing. "I'm not the type of woman you want to get on the bad side of. Your poor, little Grace will feel all my hatred I have for you. I will carve into her pretty body all my thoughts about you. So I would act very carefully now Inspector." I stared him down, I watched him panic behind the eyes. "Oh no, you're not in love with her are you?" I ask him, a slight blush on his face. "No wonder you dislike Tommy, she's head over heels for him!" I tut. "What are you going to do? A gorgeous thing she is!" I placed my hand on my chin in faux thought. "You're pretty too, Ms Hemp" he steps towards me. Cute, when he feels threatened by a woman he tries to seduce them. "Oh Mr Campbell, as much as i'm flattered. I'm not nearly as good as Grace! She sucks dick better than I do, trust me, even ask Tommy!" I can practically see the steam come out of his ears. "Anyways, got to go. Thanks for the chat Inspector." I say leaving him to dwell in his own anger.

I walked back to my house, regularly checking if anyone was following me before slipping into my house. Tommy was still there, having a drink of whiskey. Once he saw my face, he was up on his feet and examining me. "What the fuck happened?" "Inspector Campbell happened. He just fucking pulled me in an alley asking me about the guns. Ugh, I hate the prick so much." Tommy closed his eyes trying to remain as calm as possible and
using every little ounce of self control not to go out there and find the asshole. "I told him that I knew about Grace working for him, I found out our little inspector is in love with Grace. I told him to ask you who was better at sucking dick, me or her" I laugh, "That pissed him off." I smile smugly at myself. "But I haven't.." I cut Tommy off with a kiss. "I know Tom, I just wanted to get into his head."

"I have a feeling they're getting close to the guns Tommy. I forgot to tell you but the other day, Grace was at the cemetery looking over Danny's grave. Also last night you said to the men that they'll need a shovel. She might put two and two together." I warned him, he quietly curses to himself before nodding his head. I could see the thoughts running through his head. "Are you okay though?" He runs his hand down the side of my face. I smile at him "I'm all good."


Later on at the Garrison, the pub was pretty full. Harry came over to the bar, "My brother in Digbeth just said the police are coming down from Deritend in numbers asking for Tommy Shelby by name." Shit, they've found the guns. I began to panic wondering where he could possibly be and then he walks through the doors. I breathed out in relief, he hasn't been caught yet.

We make eye contact and he opens the door into one of the back rooms. I walk in and he follows me closing it behind him. He grabs me by the waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. "I take it they've found them" I start, "Yes, I'm going to need to lie low for a while and when i'm back I need to tell you some things" I nod my head at him. "Harry said they're already in Digbeth, why have you chanced it coming here?"
Finn burst through the door. "The police are in the lane, Tommy!" I quickly remembered that the police don't know where I live. "Come with me" I ordered Tommy and taking his hand we quickly left the pub. Taking the back alleys to my house. We got there and I locked up the doors, closed all the blinds.

I made us up some drinks. Something had switched between us. It felt sort of awkward. I'm struggling to
fight the urge to giggle. "What you giggling about, aye?" Tommy asks which makes me burst into more laughter. Tommy smiles at the sight. This is his favourite Scarlett, head thrown back in laughter. Just being herself.

"Scarlett, you know how I said there's something I want to say to you back at the Garrison?" Tommy spoke after my laughter had died down. I looked at him, instantly noticing the seriousness in his eyes. He looked almost nervous.
"What is it Tom? You know you can tell me anything" I smile at him as I sat up on the bed and looked at him intently.
"How long have we been sneaking around?" Tommy asks me, i'm taken aback by the question. "Hm, I got back in March and it's now November so like 9 months?" I quickly work out. "What if I said I didn't want to sneak around anymore?" My face fell, he didn't want to be with me? Did he want Grace?
Tommy saw my face, "No, no! Scar I meant like I want us to finally be able to tell everyone." My heart leaped, I couldn't stop a huge smile overtake my face.

"You know Tommy, there's something I've wanted to
confess to you. Do you remember at Adas wedding? I was going to tell you then but-" Tommy cut me off with a quick kiss. "Love, you're rambling." My cheeks flushed red. I couldn't believe I was finally going to tell him. "Tommy... I'm in love with you" I whispered. "I'm sorry what was that?" Tommy teased me, coming closer with a hand behind his ear. I pushed him, scoffing "Tommy" I whined. "You want to know something Scar?" he asks. I had my hands covered over my face, but I opened my fingers to look through them. He pulled my hands off my face, he gives me a kiss. "I'm kinda in love with you too" he says after pulling slightly away. I nudge his nose with mine, letting out a giggle before kissing him again.
Things quickly got heated and let's just say Tommy and I didn't sleep much that night. It was as good as thought it to be.

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