john boy

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After my moment with Tommy, we stepped away from each other and I asked if he wanted a drink.
"Shouldn't I be asking you? You're the guest" he smiled at me, I poured him a drink anyways.

He offered me a cigarette and lit it for me, like he had always done as he never liked seeing me light my own. Used to make sure he was always the one to do it.

I walked over to the door, as quietly as I could, Tommy looked at me confused for a second and I just mouthed 'watch' as I pulled the door open quickly and Arthur tumbled in being the only one not prepared. He let out a soft groan as I crouched down beside him "Oop sorry Arthur!" I laughed and looked up towards Tommy who was smiling.

I had missed his smile, I still do. His smile used to be big and bright showing his teeth, when he laughed he threw his head back just the tiniest bit but now all you get from him is an closed lip smile and a slight huff of air out of his nose.

I assisted Arthur up, sat down beside Tommy. My cigarette coming to its end, he removed it from my mouth and put it out for me. Remembering how I liked it when he put it out for me. It was like I had never left, like they never went to war. 5 years I hadn't seen them but we fell back in to our old ways.

"Where's ol' John boy? Shouldn't he be here?" I asked to the group. Pol sighed "the kids are probably running laps around him, trying to get them ready for school on his own is one tough job."
On his own? My eyebrows must've furrowed as Pol then realised that I didn't know. "Oh shit yea, I'm sorry I forgot to say Martha died love, not long after the birth of the twins" she explained. My face fell at the news, poor John, I knew how much he loved Martha, not that it look him a lot to fall in love. I remember a time he was supposedly also in love with me. I really liked Martha, she was kind and a good mother.
"Twins? The last I had seen of them she had 2 children and then John went off to war." I questioned, Ada then explained that Martha found out she was pregnant after John had left.
"Oh my, poor John. How did he cope?" I looked towards the boys as they were the ones with him when he must've found out. "We didn't speak much about it, he dealt with it quietly on his own. I think he felt more motivated to stay alive though then, knowing the kids needed a father." Tommy said.

John was so thoughtful, one of the best guys I know. Doesn't surprise me that he fought harder instead of giving up. These boys knew how important it is to have a father. A good father.
The Shelby boys father and my father must've come from the same tree. Both shite.

Speaking of the devil, we heard the door open. We all stood "those bloody kids, when did children stop listening to their fathers?" he ranted as he rounded the corner to the kitchen. As he walked in he stopped abruptly, noticing everyone stood.
"Hi Johnny" bringing attention to me as Tommy was stood in the way of my small frame. I slightly pushed Tommy back so John could see me. I smiled up at him. He gasped and took a step back, not believing his eyes.

"Letty? What the fuck? Am I awake?" he says looking around the room to the others to confirm that they too were seeing me. "I'm so fucking confused, can someone explain to me what is going on?" his voice raising.
"John, calm down alright" Tommy says taking a step towards him but I grab Tommy. I'm the one who caused the pain, I'll be the one to explain.
"It's me Johnny" I say walking over to him to grab his hands. He is just stood staring at me, speechless.
"I'm back John" I say with a soft smile, hoping for him to say anything. I reach over to pull a chair so he can sit. I gesture for the others to leave, everyone complied but Tom resisted, double checking that I was sure. Not that Tommy thought John would hurt me but he wouldn't be surprised if John started shouting.

"John, please look at me. I'm so sorry" I plead as I sit beside him, grabbing onto his hands that were interlocked on the table.
"What happened Scar? I went to your grave, Ive seen your headstone with you're name written on it!"
"I know John and i'll explain in time alright, I needed to do this, I needed everyone to believe it. You'll all understand I promise."
"I needed you Scar! I needed you! Do you even know that Martha died? Did you know she gave birth to twins? That I now have to look after them all by myself? I needed you!" He started getting worked up.
I wasn't scared though, of course I was scared that he wouldn't find it in him to forgive me but I have calmed him down so many times before.
"I know John, I just found out and I'm so sorry. Please you got to know how terrible I feel. I wish I could've been there for you, for all of you. The first ones to go are always the good ones. Martha was a good one, and I'm so terribly sorry John. You got to know I mean it." My voice cracked. Tears had started coming down my face.
John knew the girl, she was much like Tommy in the way that you needed to just trust they knew what they were doing because it never made sense to anyone else until the end.
John looked up at me he didn't want to yell at you, but he had just been so overwhelmed. It's not everyday that your best friend from childhood comes back from the dead.
I put my forehead to his hands and just whispered that I was sorry over and over again. I felt him leave a kiss on the back of my head and he leaned down to talk in my ear. "I'm so relieved you're not actually dead, I needed a new babysitter" I slightly scoffed. There he was.

I looked up and smiled at him before wrapping my arms around his neck and climbing on to his lap. "You don't know how awful I feel John, I'm sorry" I carry on.
John just wraps his arms around me and tells me to shut up. "Oh, it's good to have you in my arms again little Letty."

The others opened the door once they heard John calm down. Everyone smiling at the pair who were wrapped up in one another. It wasn't unusual, she was extremely close with all of the boys. Tommy and her just had a different connection then the others.

There wasn't many people like them but they had found their match. They say opposites attract because it creates a easier and calm relationship, but Scar doesn't like easy and Tom doesn't like calm.
Scarlett had always loved Tommy, Tommy had always loved Scarlett. They didn't admit it to each-other and didn't really admit it to themselves. They had never known that they both felt the same about each other all these years. However, the others saw the love they had for one another.

So when Tommy coughed, it had alerted John and he suddenly remembered who he currently had scooped up on his lap. John tapped my thigh to signal for me to move to my own seat.
"You're making me legs go numb" he smirked, I playfully slapped him on the chest, faking offence.
"Martha ain't gunna pop up out of nowhere now is she?" John carried on joking. It was good to see him being his old self.
Everybody chuckled as Tommy lit up my cigarette for the second time today.

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