Chapter 3 Buck POV

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As Buck was on his run, he heard his phone go off. He never checks a text while he's running as his phone is strapped to his arm, he figures if it was important they would call. He runs for a while taking in the sights as he ran past them, the run itself is helping him to forget about work and life. As he arrived back at his apartment, he took out his headphones and the phone strap and set them on the side while he opened the fridge to get a drink of orange juice.

After drinking the juice he looked at his phone he saw a few messages.

'Eddie (Chris's phone): Meet me for lunch at the mall?

Buck smiles and leans against the counter as he replies:

'Yeah will do, I have some stuff I need get when we're there but, we also need talk about your date, Mr Diaz :P'

Buck also noticed he had a text from Maddie, so he opened it up.

'Maddie: Hey, I'm starting my shift at 11am, but wondered if you wanted meet and have a quick catch up?'

Buck looked at the time it was 8:46am, he could get a quick shower and meet Maddie somewhere and then head straight to the mall to meet Eddie.

'Yeah can do, I'll meet you at the Starbucks by the mall. Be there at 9:30am.'

He puts his phone on charge and heads up stairs to quickly shower, once out he spends five minutes on what he wants to wear but settles for a smart pair of blue jeans, a pale grey shirt and a blue jumper. He sprayed his favourite aftershave,headed down and grabbed his phone and wallet, got to the door and placed his shoes on. Once outside, he headed to his car and drove to meet Maddie.

As he walks in to the Starbucks, he notices that his sister wasn't there yet, so he orders both their drinks and sits down. He gets his phones out and places his normal phone down and looks at his second phone – the "Hook Up" phone, he noticed he hadn't any messages, so he scrolls through the profiles and no one took his fancy, as he is about to shut it down he gets a message:

'JR: Hey buddy, how are you?'

'I'm good thanks, what about you?' Buck replies.

'JR: good good, what you up to?'

'Just meeting my sister for a coffee before she starts work, What about you?' Buck messages back

'JR: I'm meeting a friend for coffee'

"Hey Buck, this one mine?" Maddie says, making Buck jump as he wasn't paying any attention, she sat down but she notices that he was on the phone.

"Yeh it is, just give me a sec." Buck says mouthing to her at the same time.

'Sorry, got go my sister here speak later' Buck says as he puts the HU phone away

He grabs his cup and starts drinking his coffee, watching people walk past as he waits for Maddie finish, once she finishes she smiles at Buck.

"How are you doing?" She asks

"I'm good, how is my favourite sister doing?" Buck replies.

"I'm good and I'm the only sister you have!" She claims, laughing.

"That's exactly why you're my favourite." Buck giggles.

They sit and chat for the next half hour, talking about work life and how everything is going, Maddie looks at her phone and then looks up and starts waving.

"What are you doing?"Buck asks looking confused.

"Waving to Josh, I said I'd meet him here round 10am, so we can head in to work together after a coffee." She explained

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