Chapter 8 Eddie Pov

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Eddie wakes up, his thoughts of last night appear, the hurt of been let down and the hurt of not having Buck was coming back. He was glad he was leaving later to get away from it all was good. He looked at his phone it is three-thirty am. He rolls out the bed looking around the room it was all neat and tidy. It was time to start getting ready, he was picking Christopher up from Hen's at five am. He looks at his spare phone. He still had not answered the guy back he just turns it off and puts it in his backpack he was taking to Austin. after zipping it back up he picks up the backpack and heads down the hallway and leaves it by the door with the other bits to be loaded in the truck.

He enters the kitchen and makes a drink he sits at the table knowing he would not be doing this for a week. As he sits there, with the time moving slowly. It's now only four am and he does not need to leave till half past, so he gets up washes his cup and heads for a quick shower and changes his clothes. He decides to go early, so he take the bags and loads them into his truck. Once he was all done, he checks the house making sure it was all locked up and jumps in his truck and sets off.

As he heads to Hen's he enjoys the quiet Sunday traffic, he wishes it would be like this all the time. he pulls up at Hen's and she is sitting outside with a coffee, she waves at him as he gets out the truck.

"you're early." She laughs as she greets him with a hug.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep" He replies

"I bet, a long drive with a child. I don't envy you at all." She chuckles.

"Yeah, over twenty hours if we miss the traffic. Glad to start early, so I can get out of LA before the heavy traffic hits and hopefully we don't need stop too much." He says.

"Well make sure you take regular breaks, but I know you will and the way you drive I'm sure 20 hours will be reduced. At least you don't start till eleven am tomorrow." she says.

"Yeah." he says glumly and kicks the floor.

"What's up?" She asks curiously.

"Just last night didn't go to plan, I was bailed on." Eddie explains, Hen signals for them to head in.

They head in and go to the kitchen. She makes him a coffee and passes it him with a smile. As he picks it up and starts to take a sip, he sees Hen looking at him.

"So, what happened?" She asks

"Well he texted saying something came up and wanted reschedule." Eddie says realising he said he instead of her.

"Hang on, your date was with a guy what about Ana?" Hen says

"Shh and yes it was with a guy. Ana has a girlfriend she been helping me on the dating scene, and she was with me as back up just in case, but please keep it between us. No one knows about me, except Carla and Ana." He says looking at Hen.

"You didn't need to ask, it's not my secret to tell, just do what makes you happy. And maybe the guy had a real reason to not to come. Message him see what happens." She says.

"I'll see. They had their chance, and to be honest I am not in the mood now with the dating thing. They messed up so why should I care? I'm glad that the week away gives me time think." Eddie says

"Oh, so you're going be grumpy on the drive." Chris says and Eddie turns in shock.

"How long you been there?" He asks curiously.

"Long enough for to hear your grumpy as your date didn't go okay with my teacher." Chris smiles at him and Eddie smiles back knowing Chris had not heard he was meant have the date with a guy.

"I promise I won't, go get your things so we can get started." Eddie says.

"Okay." Chris says as he walks off.

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