Chapter 4 Eddie POV

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Eddie started to stir as his Abuela started cleaning her house, it was noise of the vacuum woke him up. He rolled over and looked at the clock on the bed side table it was 9:30am 'oh shit.' he thought to himself, he had forgotten that he had to take Chris school, he bolted up, hurtled out of bed and ran out the bedroom and his Abuela smiled at him, making him stop in his tracks.

"I'm guessing you thought you forgot take Chris school." She says with a giggle.

"Yeah, I woke at seven-thirty am to answer Buck's message then went back to sleep, totally forgetting about taking Chris to school" Eddie says embarrassed.

"Don't worry, I guessed you would so I took him, he wanted take his phone but I said that you would need it today." Abuela explained

Eddie walks over to the kitchen and makes a cup of coffee before sitting down, he stretches and drinks his coffee, he picks up Chris's phone to see what the message is as its flashing

'Yeah will do, I have some stuff I need get when we're there but, we also need talk about your date, Mr Diaz :P'

Eddie sat there looking at the text not knowing how to reply.

"So, how was the date last night?" Abuela asks as she continued to clean.

"It wasn't a date, we're just friends, she already has a partner." Eddie explains

"Por favour dime que no eres el hombre del lado (please tell me you're not the man on the side)" She strictly tells him off.

"No, you have it all wrong." Eddie starts laughing.

"Why do I, you go out with a pretty woman and it's not a date" She asks

"First yes she is pretty, second she has a girlfriend - so I don't think I fit her preference." Eddie explains, laughing.

"Ah okay, it makes more sense now." she says as she gets closer to Eddie "I always expected you to tell me you and that Evan boy were a thing." She says looking direct in his eyes.

"What!? No, you're wrong." He quickly denies, going red in the face. He knew she could see through his lies.

"You can't lie to me, I see the way you look at him, how Chris adores him, how you light up at the mere mention of him." She says smiling and patting his shoulder.

Eddie sat there knowing he was red in the face and luckily he didn't have to answer as Chris's phone started ringing and Eddie saw Bucks face and let a little smile appear.

"See, I'm right look at that smile. I'll leave you to it" Abuela says smiling and returning to her cleaning.

Eddie started smiling more knowing he had been discovered, but he didn't mind as he knew his Abuela would keep it to herself, he answered the phone.

"Hey, Eddie." Buck says.

"Hey Buck, I thought we were meeting at lunch it's not that late is it?" Eddie asks confused to why Buck had called so early as it was only just past ten am and wondering if Buck had the wrong time.

"No it isn't, I'm just at Starbucks with Maddie she's getting me another coffee." Buck says and Eddie hears him giggle and he knows that exact giggle it's Bucks mischievous giggle.

"Hang on, that means you're going be a handful later, aren't you?" Eddie says knowing he's going have a hyper Buck on his hands.

"Yuppp, I'm hoping your credit card is ready for me to spend all your money on Chris." Buck laughs.

"I'm capping it at a few hundred and that's it." Eddie says he knows money is tight but would never admit it, he wants give Chris everything he wants but knows he can't.

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