16) rayan

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Today was the day of the wedding. I was getting ready when I hear a knock on my door. "It's Addy," Addalyn said loud and clear. "I need help zipping my dress up," she adds and I open the door for her. "Me too," I say and she laughs.

"Girls! Hurry up! We need to get there a little early," my dad calls for us- and my mom. "Now I know the downsides of being the only guy in the house," he says loud enough for all of us to hear. "Funny dad," I say, sarcastically.

"Let's go," Addy says once we helped each other.

Zoe's dress:

Addalyn's dress:

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Addalyn's dress:

"You girls look gorgeous," my dad compliments us and we blush

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"You girls look gorgeous," my dad compliments us and we blush. Now we were just waiting for my mom. I did my own makeup- a small amount of blush, mascara, and some matte lipstick which complimented my dress and skin tone. Addy was wearing a full face of makeup but it still looked natural on her.

"We need to take pictures before we leave," my mom rushes out. She was wearing a light pink shimmery dress and a full face of makeup- it looked natural on her too.

"We can take pictures there, we're already running late," my dad says right before he compliments her. "Fine," she rolls her eyes and we get in the car.


"Hi, Liz and Dallas! I'm so glad you guys came early," Pam- the bride's maid greeted us. "No problem, where's Celia? Does she need help getting ready?" my mom asks. "Yeah, she's over there," Pam pointed to a room. "Anthony need anything?" my dad asks. "Sure, he's over there," Pam pointed to another room, upstairs.

"You girls look gorgeous," Pam finally noticed us- not that I wanted to be complimented or anything but hey! It felt nice. "I better get going. You can take pictures or walk around until we get started," Pam informed us before leaving us.

"Let's take pictures for Insta," Addy says. "Fine," I grumble. I haven't posted on my Insta in months and I wasn't planning on doing it today.

"Just do it for my account," Addalyn says. "I'll just post some pictures on my account too," I say and she grins.

"Want me to take your pictures?" a guy comes over. I really hate to admit this but he was cute. "Sure," I give him my phone and he grins at me. His smile isn't as perfect as Luca's though.

Ugh, I really need to stop thinking about him- he's not even here.

"My names Rayan," he says after he took some pictures of us. "I'm Zoe and that's my twin, Addalyn," I introduce us. "You guys look really good," Rayan says, mostly looking at Addalyn. "Thanks, you too," she says with a warm smile. I don't say anything.

"There you girls are, Zoe guess who's here?" my mom says. "Ethan or Ember?" I say, eagerly. "Nope, it's me," Luca comes out from behind my mom.

Ok, he looked good. Like fine as hell. Like hot.

Ugh, there you go again. Stupid brain.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Luca once my mom left. "Celia is my mom's friend from work," he explains. "Anthony's been my dad's friend since college," I explain when he asks me the same thing.

It was actually my mom who introduced Celia & Anthony to each other & now they're in love.

"We better get seated, they're about to start," Addalyn says checking her phone and we head inside.

"Girls, over here," my mom calls us over and she's sitting next to Luca's parents.

"Guess we're sitting together," Luca says and I sit down next to him. "Yeah," I answer.

I just hope my mom doesn't get teary-eyed. It's so freaking cringy witnessing that.


"You may now kiss the bride,"

Woah, time goes by so fast.

Luca was on his phone the whole time. Rayan was... flirting with Addalyn. Addalyn was trying to avoid Rayan but it was hard. I guess I just blanked out.

"We'll go take pictures and talk to the new bride and groom. You guys can go explore the place and meet us at the hotel around 4. Then we'll get ready for the reception," my mom informs Addy, Luca and me. Rayan went to his parents a few minutes ago.

"Ok, let's grab lunch. I'm starving," I say and Luca and Addy agree.


"Hey, do you know where lunch will be served?" Addalyn asks a stressed Pam. "Yeah, it's over there," Pam points and rushes over to Celia. "Dude, why is she so stressed? Half the weddings' done, we just need to get through the reception," I scoff.

"Zoe, planning weddings can be stressful," Luca informs me. "You only need to be my tutor in math- not wedding planning," I retort and he just gives me an amused look that somehow turns me on.



"Addalyn, over here!" Rayan calls us- I mean Addy over. "Come on people, let's go over there to Rayan," Addalyn motions for us to follow her. We got our food and were ready to start eating. "Seeing him makes me want to puke," Luca rolls his eyes. "Why? He's cute," I say and he rolls his eyes again.

"He's obviously flirting with you and Addalyn," Luca shakes his head. "No, he's only flirting with Addy," I inform him. "Also, it's ok for you to sleep with a ton of girls but it's not ok if he's just flirting," I whisper-shout to Luca.

Luca just gives me a defeated look.

Yeah, that's what I thought, you heartbreaker.

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