30) the kiss on the cheek

11 1 1

I decide to open another chat from a new guy. His name is, Jacob. 

J~ Hey

Z~ Hi

J~ What you look like?

I quickly pull my hair in a bun because that's my go-to if I'm takin' cute selfies. I find my favorite filter and send the selfie to him. 

J~ You're cute ;) 

Z~ your turn! and thanks lmao 

He sends me a picture with no filter and he's HOT!

Z~ damn. your hot

J~ Lmfao, thanks. Where you live?

Z~  LA. wbu?

J~ Yo! Me too. We should meet up. How about this Saturday?

Z~ Cool, I'm down! Where to?

J~ You know the new Mexican restaurant by that high school?

Z~ Yup

J~ I'll meet you at the restaurant but I have something else planned ;) 

Z~ Ok! Gotta go! Bye

J~ Bye

"Well, that was easy," I grin and open another chat. This guy's name is: Fred. 

F~ Hey! You live in LA?

Z~ Yes! Wanna hang out someday?

F~ Sure! How about this Saturday at 4?

Z~ I'm down! Gotta go but I'll text you soon!

F~ Ok, bye. 

"Also, easy," I talk to myself again. 

I open about 5 other chats from guys. 1 guy was asking for nudes and sent me a shirtless pic. It was a shame he had a good body but I blocked him any way. Another guy was gay and kept asking me to find another gay guy for him. I felt bad when I had to pretend I didn't speak English. He would not stop texting me!

In conclusion, I got 3 more dates. 

Looks like my long weekend will be busy. 

Oh yeah, no school Monday!


"Where ya goin'? I thought we were gonna watch some movies together since we- I mostly mean you- having no plans for the long weekend," Addalyn asked me once I got downstairs. 

I was wearing ripped black jeans, my bright yellow crop top with natural makeup- some blush, mascara, and lipgloss. My hair's in a bun. It's pretty windy outside, meaning Fall is coming. "You  seen my denim oversized jacket?" I ask her. "Over here," she holds it up and I scowl. "Sorry, it matched my outfit yesterday so I borrowed it," she winced as I snatched it from her. "You coulda fucking asked," I grumble and find my keys. 

"So, where are you going?" she asked, intrigued. "Made plans with a new friend from... bio," I lie and leave before she questions me even further. 

When Ember and I made that Madison account, we swore never to tell Addalyn or Ethan. They would definitely ruin it. Addy can sometimes be such a Percy Weasley. 

I look up the store that Fred asked me to meet him at and find it on Google Maps. 


'Hey, Zoe," Fred recognizes me from the picture I sent him on Monday. It had to be the longest week of school ever. I was so excited for my 5 dates during the long weekend. "Hey Fred," I recognize him as well. He snuck up on me while I was texting Jacob about our date later on at 6:30. 

I quickly texted Jacob I had to go and turned my full attention to Fred. 

"What's up?" I ask with a grin. "Nothing much," he grins and even though he doesn't have bright red hair with a gazillion freckles, I get a Fred Weasley vibe from him. 

Zoe, not everything is related to Harry Potter, you idiot. 

"Why are we at this store? I've never even heard of it before," I say. "Since we just met, I'll let that slide," he chuckles and we walk toward the store. 

"Holy shit," I breathe once we get inside. 

The outside of the store made it seem like some boring warehouse even though it's a store, It looks so much bigger from the inside though. There are colorful walls with murals on some sides. There are smocks right by the entrance. I watch Fred get 2 of them. "I like art," he says, giving me a goofy grin and I smile. 

"Sorry if it's huge on you. I tried," he blushes. "It's fine. I love this," I say, awestruck.

"Damn, you look so fucking cute," Fred chuckles after I put my smock on. "I love oversized things so you got lucky, mister," I tell him, feeling thankful I left my favorite accessory jacket in my car. 

The smock fit Fred just fine. He led me towards the back of the room. "What type of painting do you want me to teach?" he asked. "How about, oil pastels. I love those," I suggest and he nods. "I'll be back," he says and I look around. 

There are plenty of empty canvases here, with plenty of stands as well. I see some drying and carefully make my way around them. 

"You like 'em?" I hear Fred come from behind me. "They're awesome. I love landscape paintings," I reply. "I love them too. You're looking at my work," he says and comes closer to me. "Look," he says and points to his signature at the bottom. "Didn't even notice," I chuckle and help him carry some supplies. "Follow me," he says. 


"I love painting over here," he says and opens the door. "Where are we?" I ask. "There's a hill... right over there," he says and points to a medium-sized hill a few yards away. "We can use the sky," he says and we walk toward the hill. 

"Damn," I say, once we get to the top. "Perfect, huh?" he grins and I nod. 

We spent the next 90 minutes painting the landscape in front of us, Fred telling me some jokes and I laughed along. He showed some cool techniques and it really took my mind off of Luca Martinez. 

"I had so much fun with you," Fred says once we're near my car. "Me too," I grin. "Wanna do this another time?" he asks. "Yes!" I reply and he grins. "See you then," I wave and get in my car. 

"Wait hold on," I say and jump outta my car.  Feeling bold, I run over to Fred and kiss him on the cheek, leaving him breathless. 

"Ok, now you can go," I blush and he chuckles. 

it started with a dare (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now