Chapter 1

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"Ransom hurry up! We're going to be late!" You yell from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm coming, I'm coming." You hear click- clacks coming from the stars as your and Ransom dog, Dodger, comes down the stairs. " Hi boy!" You smile as Dodger runs over to you scrunching up his nose. You scratch him and kiss his nose." What no kisses for me?" Ransom says with a sarcastic tone finally coming down the stairs. You stand up smiling at him as he kisses your forehead and you peck his cheek. " Come on we're gonna be late." You pull ransom out the door and to the Beemer. you two are on your way to Ransom's grandfather Harlan's 85th birthday party. 

On your way to the mansion you start to tense up. Ransom notices and takes your hand with a squeeze. " It's gonna be ok (Y/N)." He tries to reassure you. You give him a weak smile Ransom's parents, Linda and Richard, have always had a problem with you, but you didn't really know why When you arrive at the mansion, you hesitate before opening the door.

When you finally get out of the car, you see Ransom waiting for you. As you two walk up the stairs, Ransom raps his arm around your waist and holds you tight against his side. You two walk into the mansion to be greeted by Meg. "Hey (Y/N)!" Meg says and hugs you. "Hi Meg, how are you doing." You ask keeping an eye on Ransom as he walks into the kitchen and soon enough he walks back out with Harlan. You say Hi and Happy Birthday to Harlan as he and Ransom walk into Harlans office and you realize it's about to go down.


Thank you to who ever is reading my story.

This is my first try writing a story and it would be a great help if you have any ideas on what should happen. I have chapter 2 ready but still need to do some final editing on it. 

Thank you again!

and sorry that the stories are so short

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