1-I find out(cuz fanfic logic)

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A\N: 'thinking' "talking"

~°Clyde's p.o.v~°

I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock. 'God I hate alarm clocks. I could just meet this across the wall.' I screamed in my head as I got up and changed. I went to the bus stop like normally. I got there and said hi to all my friends.

"Hey, Craig." "Stop calling me that." "Okaaaay but how's it been going with Tweek?" "Fine but most of the time he drinks coffee or complains." "I wonder how you keep up with Tweek." "He is pretty simple." "Wow, so you guys never get into fights that much." "Sometimes we do." "Woooah. I never thought you guys would." He shrugged and we went on the bus. Craig sat next to Tweek and I sat next to Token. I and Token just chatted some weird stuff. I asked him if I could go to his house he said yes. I'm pretty sure he wanted me to help him with homework. The bus ended and the school has come to beat me up.

I hate school but it was sometimes hard but for a while it been tough. 'Maybe today will be easy and not so hard.' I sighed as I headed for class. In the middle of class, I got a text message from Token and it said: "can I copy ur hw from history" I texted back saying yes. I went on to class till the bell ringed. I got my stuff ready and headed to my locker to grab my other things. (why does that sound wrong) Token just appeared out of now where and just told me to get my homework.

"Hey, Clyde give me your homework." "Okay don't rush me, God." I got it out and handed it to him. Soon the bell ranged again and I and Token headed to History. As the class went on nothing happen. 'At least school wasn't that bad for now I guess.'

Time Skip brought to you by TIMMY~°
It was lunchtime and headed to where my friends were. I decided to sit next to Craig cause Tweek had to do something.

"Hey, Craig." "Hey" "Why do you seem so sad?" "I miss the Tweek." "Damn dude that's a shitty problem." He shrugged and I just went on my phone. I texted Token about Craig being so sad.

~^Token will be in Bold Clyde is in underline~°

Do u think Craig has a problem

No y

I just feel like he does cuz he always with Tweek

Good point but I think its just bc he's scared to lose him

Maybe IDK




I just went back to thinking about Craig and Tweek's relationship. 'Does Tweek have this problem when Craig is gone?' That thought kept doing nothing but stay in my head. We had to go to class and I wasn't able to concentrate due to that thought, that question that made me want to answer it. 'I'll ask Tweek about that.' After I said that I was able to think better. But I almost got in trouble.

time skip~°
After my classwork, I had nothing to do so I went on my phone and just stared at it. I got a text from being saying "can u come with me 2day" I replied with "sorry can't I' mm going over to tokens house" she replied almost as soon as I finished the text. "yyyy tho never want to be with me anymore" I looked at that text with the most cringiest look "bitch I was with you a week ago you make it sound like it was a fucking year!'   I replied with "is a week too long for u" she didn't text back probably cause she was angry and I was right.

~°time skip where its the end of school and this is brought by ReeKid~°

The school was finally over and I got my stuff and was ready to leave. I was talking to Craig about some shit but I didn't care. "Hey, Clyde." "What?" "Do you think that me being sad when tweek is gone a problem?" I was silent for a moment. ".......kinda."  I was hoping the bell would ring before he replied but no. "Why?" "*sigh* Because you make it sound like its the end of the world when he's gone so it does seem like an issue." "Oh...I'm just afraid of losing him." "I understand that but you do make it sound like its the end of the world." The bell ranged and we headed on. "Welp see you tomorrow Craig-o." He nodded and left.

Token texted me that he already left. I was kinda sad about that but shrugged it off. I was paying to much attention to my phone and welp it was already time for me to leave so I looked around about a bit to see Kenny and Tweek. They didn't notice me though and they started to walk behind the school, curiosity got the better of me. I followed but only for a but I didn't want them to see me. I stayed in my place as they went behind the school. Soon I was by the edge of the wall to look over.

As I did I something unimaginable. It was............. TWEEK KISSING KENNY?! (who would've known) I jolted my head back to control my thoughts. 'Was that who I think that was? Is tweek really cheating? Is my own friend cheating on my best friend?' All of these questions kept storming my head. I tried to calm down and it works but only a little bit. I grabbed my phone and decided to take a picture. I slowly peeked my head out and took the pic. After that, I went rushing towards the Token's house.

I got there and went to his room. I looked like a mess of confusion, sadness, and anger. "Uhm....you good?" Token asked me with confusion is his eyes "N-No." "What's wrong now?" "I saw something." "Okay, what?" I got my phone out and showed him the pic. "okay what the fuck?" "I don't know I just found this out!" I and Token were now in a mess of emotions.

We calmed down and started homework. "Hey Token." He nodded. "Do you think I should tell...Craig?" It went quiet for a moment. "Yea you should but do you know how he is gonna react?" "Yea...I feel like it's not going to be good though." "No shit dude Craig is probably not gonna go to school cause of it." I nodded.

We went back to doing things and soon I left. I left with my head confused about what I'm gonna do. 'should I tell Craig?'  I answered my own question with a yes I sighed and went home with a sad feeling.

That's how I'm gonna end it folks

Word count: 1159

Posted at: 12: 45 a.m

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