8- i should stop

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~~~craig pov~~~
I looked at my arm to see a bunch of scars. I was sad to see the scars but ill stop eventually.  I sighed and cut my arm a few more times. I hated what happned yesterday i had to face tweek and i didnt even do that all i did was stay by Clyde and cry. I hated myself for that. If only i could be better. I started to cry and fell asleep. I wanted to wnd my life.

Craig told me not to come over i dont know why but i was sorta okay with it just a little bit though i wanted to check his arms and go on a walk but now i just wanna solve my problems with tweek. I mean he should be happy there wont be yaoi of him and craig and that he never wanted cdaig but kenny so he should be happy. I sighed. 'Why is every thing some complicated?' Im pretty sure i was gonna insane from all of this. I sighed amd played my animal crossing. Maybe a day with out everyone would be good for our sanity.

As i was playing i looked at all of the decorating Tweek did and it wasn't so bad but i prefer something less bubbly. I made my side of my house the colors of the bi flag cause im bisexual. But i did do the rainbow arcoss my land to make it pretty. I did a lot of stuff rainbow and lgbtq+ stuff cause pride month is coming up and i just like it. (I was watching shubble okay)

My island is coming in perfectly. As i was thinking about my island i thought craig should get animal crossing to relieve his stress and other things like that. My idea was good in my opinion and maybe it was actually gonna work. It made me happy to think that. I looked at the time and saw that it was around 2 a.m i sighed and kept plauing animal crossing i didnt care about the time. I laughed about all the stuff i was doing. I was playing animal crossing, watching youtube and just playing some other games. Soon it was 4 and i passed out while i was watching youtube.

It was fun just not caring about the stuff thats going on right now but hopefully in a few hours it won't be so bad. My sleep was very peaceful and it made me think craig is doing better i sorta doubted it but then thought he did kinda face tweek.

~~~Craig pov it's like a few hours later~~

I woke up to see that it was 12 and that was the time were i woukd put bandages on my arms so Clyde doesn't think anything and ive only been doing a few cuts so ive been doing better but i should stop it forever but thats hard to do. I sighed and put the bandages on me it was depressing that i was stil cutting myself but I've been trying to stop. I sighed I'm the worst person to exist like I'm cutting my arm cause of a Damn person its just so hard to met to of someone you loved. I sighed and started crying I hated me crying of all this mess. 'Maybe should I have Clyde comfort me....'  I sighed and texted Clyde to come over he didn't replie but he's proably asleep.

I sighed and waited for Clyde to text me back.

Clyde time~~~
I woke up at 2 and noticed I had a text from Craig at 1 I rushed over to text him back saying sorry I fell asleep late ill come over in a bit. He replied right after I texted him. He must've been waiting. I sighed and got ready to see craig.

I got in like 30 minutes. "Heyo Craig." "Took you long enough." "Hey I was up a 4 playing animal crossing." "You have an addiction to that game." "Its very nice you should play it, it will make your stress leave and you need that." "Okay fine but I don't know about stress." "C'mon trust me." "Fiine."

Craig started playing animal crossing it went well he started to be less deppressed and less stress flowing in him. "So..how do you feel." "You were right this game to get rid of stress."

I laughed on that and hugged Craig he slowly hugged back. I wanted to check his arms to make sure that were healed.

"Hey Craig.....can I look at your arms?" He was quiet but slowly nodded. I grabbed his arms and started unwrapping his bandages. Do me of the scars were healed and other looked fresh I sighed and look at Craig he didn't look at me but sighed. "C'mon Craig can you please tell me why you are still cutting yourself." He sighed and kept quiet. ".....Its just hard for me to let go of doing it even though it doesn't hurt anymore I should have stopped but didn't I guess I got addicted to doing I would cut myself every time I would think of Tweek which as been a lot." "Its fine Craig just let me help you. Play animal crossing more it made you let go off your problems so maybe every time you think of tweek okay animal crossing." "Well fine but you still have to stay." I nodded and we kept playing animal crossing.

It does get rid of stress. As we were playing I was thinking about what else I could do about me having to do me problems with tweek I sighed and just shrugged it off ill do it tommorow.

~~~Tweek the bitch pov~~~~
I was mad at Clyde for calling me out I wanted to stay like this so I wouldn't get bullied on and now I can just go around with kenny but i don't want that. I sighed and looked at my phone I could text Clyde about him calling me out but I didn't. I texted Kenny about what happened and he said now you don't have to deal with Craig horrible attitude. He was eight I didn't like his attitude but I did miss he soft laughter. I sighed and just looked at all the yaoi it was good that the yaoi is gonna end since we broke up I guess. I really hated the yaoi but I got used to it. I sighed. 'I really hate Clyde now.' I yelled in my head about Clyde why did he have to do that.

I sighed once more and texted Kenny about what should I do about Clyde all he said was get revenge or something. Revenge came to my head but what could I do. I was thinking about what I should do to Clyde but then thought...maybe I shouldn't do anything. Clyde does have a way of taking insults and turning them into compliments. I guess you can't insult him. Thinking again he can't make every insult a complement.

Maybe I should just give up I screamed in my head but I didn't want to. I knew I was gonna do something good or bad I didn't care

Not really a cliffhanger cuz I post this shit like once or twice a week but ehh idc

Posted at 2:04 p.m

Word count; 1239

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