5-not stopping(not smut)

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°°°°°Craig pov°°°°°°
I started at Clyde slightly crying not wanting to listen to him. "Can you *hic* leave now?" "Not when your crying." "But I want you to leave." "C'mon just let me help you." "I don't need help." "Says the male that crying right now." "Asshole." "But I am serious let me help you. You are depressed and need help before you end up killing yourself." I was quiet for a but thinking about what Clyde said he was right I am depressed and I could kill myself. I sighed. I was still crying and Clyde decided to hug me. "Like I said I'm gonna help you." "*hic* fine." He kept hugging me so I hugged back. Soon he stopped. "Soo..." He slowly grabbed my wrist which made me freak out. "W-what are doing?!" I moved my arm out his grasp. "Just checking something." He said trying to grab my arm. "Stay away from my arms." "How come?" "c-cause I don't trust you." "I'm not gonna rip off your arm Craig I just wanna see if you have cut yourself." I shook my head no. I didn't want him near my arm. "No, I don't want you near my arm." "So are you cutting yourself." I sighed and shook my head. "Why?" "You know why." He sighed and thought about it. "Well you got to get over with it soon I don't want to see you like this." "Easier said than done." He just smiled. I called down and hugged him. He hugged back. "So Craig, what do you want to do?" "Take a break from existing." "So sleeping." I nodded. He went on his phone and did something. "Put this in." "Okay?" I put one of his earbuds in and just waited. He started playing very calm music which I really liked. I shifted my body on Clyde to get comfy he was okay with that. As we listen to music I did get sleepy and fell asleep.

~~~~°Clyde's pov~~~°
Craig fell asleep but I didn't. I just wanted to see how ruined Craig's arms were cause he cut himself. 'I'm gonna try to move his head.' I started to slightly move my body so I can't wake him up. I soon got off of his head and slowly went to his arms. I grabbed the sleeve of the shirt and slowly pulled it up. I was horrified by what I saw. His arms look totally shredded with cut marks. I had a feeling he was gonna commit suicide someday if I didn't do anything. I sigh and sat back down. (He did pit the sleeves back down)

I sighed and went back to listening to the music I and Craig were listening to. I tried to get rid of what I saw but couldn't it was stuck in my head. 'How am I gonna look Craig in the eyes now?' That question was in my head. I sigh once more and just listened to the music it was calm so it sorta got my headway from the cuts on Craig. Soon a few hours went by and Craig woke up.

"What time is it?" "2 p.m." "okay." "Do you want me to leave?" "......n-no." "Alright." I didn't question why Craig stuttered but I didn't care that much. "What do you want to do?" "I don't know." ?how about going on a walk?" He looked at me and tilted his head. "Why?"  "Cause you need fresh air." "I don't wanna go outside." "Why.are you scared?" "You never know if Tweek is out there." "Okay fine, we'll stay inside."

~~~^Craigs pov~~~^
I didn't want to mention Tweek but I did and I was scared to see him if I did. I wasn't prepared to see if him after the picture. I sighed and looked at Clyde. He just sat there and smiled. I was happy to have him as a friend without him I could Have killed myself. "Let's watch YouTube." "Okay..what tubers?" "James Charles and Shane." "Hehe okay." (Craig said watch YouTube)

We watched YouTube and laughed our ass off. I missed feeling happy from all of this. We were watching for hours I was surprised my family didn't try to come in. "Hey, Craig?" "Hmm?" "should you see your family?" I went quiet. "I don't want to but if you want me to ill do it." "I don't want to force you." "It's fine let's go." "*sigh* alright." I got up and walked to the door Clyde was behind me ready for me to open the door. I slowly did and no one has in front of the door so that gave me a sigh of relief. I walked out a bit and saw Tricia and flinched. Clyde walked in front of me when he saw me flinch.

I walked in front of Craig cause he flinched. When I walked in front of him I knew why he flinched. "Hiya Tricia." She looked at me confused. "How the hell did you get into the house?" "I broke through Craig's window." Even Craig looked shocked I never told him. "Okay, whatever." She flipped me off which I didn't care. I pushed Craig to the couch where Tricia was he didn't want that. "C'mon Craig sits next to her." Tricia just looked so confused. Craig flipped her off like 17 times.

"The hell is happening?" Tricia questioned at me. I shrugged. I placed Craig on the couch. "Let's watch Red Racer." Craig looked at me and sighed. Tricia agreed. "Hey, we could watch anime." "NO!" Craig and Tricia yelled at me. Which made me laugh. So we watched the show and I just smiled I got Craig to be happy. "I think we've should have watched anime I just got into......Attack on Titan." "Clyde, Tricia is still young." "I'm surprised you care about your sister." "Good point." Tricia flipped off Craig. I laughed and we went back to watching the show.
~~~few hours later~~
Craig's family was happy to see him but you could clearly see that he hated it. It was soon time for me to go and I knew Craig wasn't gonna be happy about it.

"Soo....Craig I'm gonna leave okay?" "Fine but be back tomorrow...." "Okay." "Promise." "Promise." I laughed for a bit then left home.

Done sorry if this took long but hey I was lazy

Also happy pride month
I'm asexual and aromantic

Word count: 1079

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