16-*a tittle*

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Craig p.o.v^^^^
I was playing with stripe as I was thinking about Clyde. I felt like the more I held in my feelings.the longer this crisis Will stay. I was thinking about when I should tell him but I also wanted to wait more before I do any of that bullshit. I started at Stripe and sighed and put him back. I went on my phone to look at random shit to forget about Clyde.

Clyde pov^
I was thinking about Craig being secretive again. Like I knew most of what was in his life but know he went back to being less talkative and shutting his emotions more. Maybe he was just going back to he's old self bbut being more mean to me and he never really do it that much. I sighed and curled myself into a ball and went I'm my phone to watch memes.

After a while if me looking of memes I decided to text Craig.




I wanna talk 2 u



What about me

You've been meaner to me and less talkative and been shutting me out more.....

I am?


I'm pretty sure ur just not used to me being myself again since I used to be depressed and shit.

No! I know my best friend inside and out I know when u r different

Idk man but I guess I've just shown more attitude.

But y thoo

Like I said idk

Hmm I'll figure it out

I shut off my phone and just looked up at the ceiling. What was going on in Craigs head? That's like the only thing that's been on my mind. I curled myself into a ball and and took a nap to pass time.

Craig pov
I say there wondering why was Clyde trying to find put what's on my mind. I guess I've been different in his eyes but only because I like him. I sighed and shoved a pillow on my face. I guess I really have been a mess and I should fix it. I thought for a moment to think how was I supposed to stop a dick to Clyde and that when should I tell him I like him..

From all the thinking I've been doing has drived me and to thw point where I keep pushing back my feelings. I then I though maybe thats why ive been meaner I've been pushing my feelings away and showing more of my attutide. But then my mind went blank again I didn't know when to talk to Clyde about my feelings and that if I keep on waiting and waiting I'll keep doing this facade of me being a dick to him.

What was I gonna do? That was only thing on my mind from this point.

Clyde p.o.v
I woke up from my nap and Charles what time it was it was only 3:30 p.m and ideas surprised o woke up at that time cause I did only took my nap when it was 12. I sighed and texted Craig




Wanna hang out


Eeeh y

Not in the mood 2



C'mon plzzzzzzzzz

Fucking no

Fine ur always being mean to me

I sighed and shut off my phone and went back to wondering. Why was Craig being a dick to me and that I was gonna find out..eventually.

I sighed and went outside for no reason. I guess I wanted to try and clear my mind from all the mess I've been in. I laughed at my own statement and just kept walking. Maybe Craig will open up to me again. I said to myself with only so much hope.

Craig p.o.v
I was having was on my phone thinking about Clyde. I was a mess trying to do something about me being a dick and me having a crush. I sighed and forgot about that shit and just stared at the ceiling. Maybe it was time for me to tell him or find a way to stop being a dick.

I decided to text twerk about this.




I wanna talk to u about something

Okay what is it

So you know how I told u aboiy me liking Clyde


Since I haven't told him ive starred to act like a dick towards him to hide that fact

That's some bull shit right there. Your Craig when did you ever act like this

Well sorry

But y is it know ur acting like this

Idk but I wanna figure it out

Love siiiiiick~~~

Suck a dick

Haha well u should plan to tell him

Ik but I don't know when or how

Do I need to help you


Wow him text me tomorrow and ill have.all of this planned

Aight bye


I sat there with a pillow on my head and just went silent for a bit. I was waiting for tomorrow but wasn't ready at all.


I left this one a short chapter for no reason but I didn't know what to put.

Published at; 5:54 p.m
Word count: 863

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