Chapter 6

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(Suna POV)

We were waiting in the gym for Coaches to come for our first group training. And kuroo was talkin too her girlfriend and her friends.

I was scrolling through my phone, when  (y/n) come in the gym.

"Hey girls" she said toward her friends then look at us " hey guys"

Then disappear in the girls changing room while smiling.

" why is she in the volleyball gym?" I asked

"It's obvious that none of you have no clue of what is happening" Ariana sighed  "have you ever heard of "wild wolf"?"

" yeah it's the nickname of the best female setter in high school " Oikawa said "why?"

"Wellll, she is the wild wolf" Aysun said and smirked

"WHAT?" everyone said at sync

" yes she is the best setter" Aysun continued" and she is the one that you should compete to each other to win her wardship"

" her team is known as black wolves and they play completely like a wolf pack if you mess with one of them the whole pack will  beat you to ground"

" and like I said before her instinct is like a wolf she can read players movements before they move" Aysun finished.

" Ok now that you said everything to them it's time for coaches to tell them what's going to happen " (y/n) said out of no where.

She had came out of the changing room and had her volleyball shoes on and and a black   T-shirt and shorts and her hair wasn't in a ponytail but a hair band was on her wrist.

Her wavy brown hairs was down her waist and framing her face perfectly "beautiful " I thought

" I should introduce you to some of my team members" (y/n) looked at us" this is Lilah as you know, she is my vice captain and also a wing spiker, this is Helia my best friend and my team manager, Tash, the second setter, Nicka the first libero, Nanami the back up libero and Naomi the middle blocker"

She introduced them then coach washijo called us to make a half circle around coach nekomata (coach of nekoma) and we did as he said.

" I am very greatfull that the best teams gathering together hear to have a competition" coach nekomata continued "as I figured you already met (y/n) you know what to do to win the four places for better"

" we have some competition against each other and on team in every week has a competition with a school that is not on this camp, now I let (y/n) talk to you to let you know the necessary information "

(Y/n POV)

Coach finished  his speech and send me to players to talk to them. when I approach them I took an unnoticeable glance on Suna he has yellowish green eye that I can stare at them without blinking.

I force myself out of my thoughts and start my speech " Um can you all please sit down " I said " I'm more comfortable and it's more friendly "

They did as I said and I sat infront of them and start with a smile

" so as you know there are trainings and matches with me during this semester, you have some competition with my team too beside the competitions with each other "

" It helps me to analyze your skills better and on the weekend of each week one team that have been chosen by me will have a match with the other schools as the coach said"

" There's gonna be fun, we gonna get to know each other better and become friends, but for today you will watch my match with my school boys volleyball team, underestan?"

"And uh by the way I have a habit that call people usually by their first name or the one that is shorter so if any of you have problem please tell me that I call them by their last name ok?"

They all replied and I stand up and put my hair in a ponytail as the boys team came into the gym me and the captain shake hands and wait for the match to start.

(suna POV)

As the match starts her team goes in a serious mood that they even don't talk to each other, just looks.

The boys starts the match with the jump serve, a very powerful one but the libero of her team receive it with no problems and send it to (y/n).

She set the ball to her spiker and she spiked it. We couldn't believe because she had the power that was nearly same as  bokuto in fokurodani.

The boys receive the ball sloppy and sent it in the girls court, after first receive (y/n) sett the ball. The next thing we know was the ball slammed the ground in boys side.

They did a quick like that crazy quick that karasuno 10 and 9 did. No one dared too look away, it's gonna be interesting.

The game goes on and we see things that we didn't expect (y/n) is a great setter with a jump serve that has power like oikawas and a float serve like Atsumu.

She has crazy strategies , they switched setter and (y/n) spiked the ball, they have
Simultaneous attack, and the libero spiked from behind the line.

They are really like a wolf pack, they dont talk, they don't signal they know when to do what.

But this wasn't the only thing that I was watching. I was watching her, every time she jumps, she moves, she sets , she touches the ball or look at the other side of court, my heart start beating as if it wants to break my ribcage and butterflies in my stomach.

What is this feeling? I'm confused and terrified.

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