Chapter 4

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(Y/n)( POV)

Now we had English and I didn't really pay attention to the class because I was studying English for 12 years so I know everything.

I was lost in my thoughts when the teachers voice interrupt my day dreaming.

"Miss(L/n), you wasn't paying attention I think you know enough to answer this question."

I looked at the board then heard a small laughter from next too me. It was that miya boy.

I glared at him then look at the teacher
"There is a spelling error in line three and the sentence should change to passive form"

The laughter dryed on his lips and change to frown " that's correct miss(L/n). I heard that your not from japan is that correct?"

"Yes miss" I replied shortly and hoping to let go

" But I know your not from an English country where are you from and why your English is this good?" She aske with a devilish grin

"I'm half iranian half russian" I said " and for your knowledge I've been studying English for 12 years and if you're curious I also can talk Persian, German, French, and Russian"

I was furious that I can not control my glaring too her and she was just looking at me  with a shit eating grin.

"Interesting, you may sit now"

I sat down and continue too ignore her when helia touched my shoulder and mouthed " calm down" then smile. I just nod at her and get  back to my thoughts.

(Suna POV)

She was furious everybody could see that in her face. It was like she is about to explode. Nobody was expecting that the teacher asks her where she is from but she did.

It did take a sweat 5 or 6 minutes for her to calm down, but after that she pulled that serious face again. It's like she can control her emotions easily.

I looked at Atsumu who was staring at her in disbelief. I wasn't surprised with his reaction because she could speak five fucking language.

I looked at her again and try to read her face but suddenly she get me staring and looked directly in my eyes.

I wanted to look away but I couldn't. her eyes  were penetrating, it was like she was looking at my soul, her eyes had a different shine then, she smiled at me.

A smile that I have never seen in my life it wasn't big but it showed her perfect teeth a little and a dimple on her left cheek.

I was mesmerized by her face that felt my face was burning up, and a blush was appearing on my face then she looked away.

I let out my breath that I didn't know I was holding. "What was that?" I thought
Now now, things are getting together slowly.
Hope you enjoy it.
I might publish more today too💜💜

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