Chapter 14

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(Suna POV)

I wake up fresh in the morning with no sign of my sickness. I find my already washed uniform on the sofa so I go for a quick shower.

After shower I get dressed and tied my tie, tight for the first time because I don't want to show that hicky on my neck and give that ratsumu an idea for teasing me.

I go down and see (y/n) is already ready and she is making breakfast.

"Morning" she said and put a waffle in front of me and we start eating in silence and finished our breakfast quickly.

We get out of the house and she locked her door and we walked through garage.

"Good morning miss(L/n), good morning Mr. Suna." Alfred greeted us.

"Morning sir." I replied formally.

"Morning Alfred, today I drive myself." She said and get then Bens key from him.

I look around the garage and find two cars one Volvo, and one Bens. We sit in the Bens and she started the car.

"So you have your license." I said to her

She looked at me "don't tell me you didn't get yours."

"Well I was to lazy to go to the test." She looked at me in disbelief then turn her attention to the road.

The day went smoothly and we were in cafeteria to have our lunch with other volleyball teams include hers.

"Hey Suna." Atsumu called me "what did you do in her house did you two make out?"

I was at the edge of beating him until kita warned him "if I were you I wouldn't risk my life for that question."

I shoot both of the a stone hard glare. "She just took care of me when I was sick." I said to them but in fact we were at the edge of having sex but it was just a tough make out session right?

I looked at her direction and find him talking with daishou and laughing with him then daishou put his arm around her shoulder.

I feel anger was boiling inside me, and as if she had sense my feeling she turn her face to me and smiled then mouthed 'calm down' then turn to her previous conversation.

The day went on and it was finally practice. We got into the gym and changed our uniforms when Ariana called (y/n).

"Yo, (y/n) the principal needs you for your transfer papers, you should go now." She said and waved her hand in front of her.

She exited the gym and after 15 minutes we heard a cough trying to catch our attention.

We saw a tall boy near my hight with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes.

"Sam what are you doing here?" Helia asked surprised and rushed to hug him and he hugged back. I thought she was into girls.

"Welcome to Japan Sam" Ariana and Aysun greeted him with a hug. Kuroo wasn't satisfied that her girlfriend hugged another boy.

"Good to see you again." Finally Paria said and hugged him too.

"Thank you so much." He showed a bright smile "where is my dear (y/n)?"

"Principal needs her for her transfer papers she will come a bit later." Helia explained "does she know that you came to Japan?"

"No she don't, I wanted to check on her and see how did she settled." He replied without his smile fade.

"You two always were like this to each other." Ariana replied "how long are you gonna stay?"

"Two weeks, I have my university exams in three weeks so I should go beck to Germany." he told  her  "I'm still amazed that you three convinced helia and (y/n) to come back to Japan."

"Ok enough of greeting." Aysun said " I want to introduce you to teams that (y/n) want to accept their wardship.

After introducing my mind was a mess. Is he her boyfriend? Did she really played with me? Did she cheat on her boyfriend with me?

It was when she came in the gym and froze. Her eyes showed pure happiness
She rushed and hug the boy and the boy kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you sam, but I need to go to practice." She told him "I will call you when you can come after me."

Then she gave him her car key and they hugged and he left. I was so sad and angry at the same time. I ignored her for the whole practice and she looked so hurt but I didn't care.

After practice I couldn't control myself anymore and punched the locker. When I came to my sense my knuckles was so bloody.

"Suna what happened?" Kita asked worried "I didn't see you this angry for a while."

I didn't want to answer him.

"kita, let me talk to him." It was Ariana

Kita left the locker then Ariana walked to me. "let me treat your hand we need to talk."

"Ok, why did you ignore (y/n) the whole practice?"she asked after finishing my bandage.

"She hurt me." I said simply

"I see you looked at sam and (y/n) with jealousy and dead glare. " She looked knowingly "you like her don't you?"

"I do but I can't trust her." I ran my hand through my hair frustrated "she didn't tell me she had a boyfriend."

"How are you so sure." She starts to get angry "she isn't that type of girl who kiss guys randomly."

I was caught off guard "how did you know we kiss?"

"I can see a hicky on your neck and I'm sure it's hers because you were at her house for two days." She stands up "if you have some doubts and really like her talk to her, she will answer your questions."

Then she storms off "I will, but when I'm ready" I said to myself and pack my belongings and went home.


I ignored her for the rest of the week. And I didn't talk to her except volleyball improvements and received some sharp glares from Ariana that I answered them with the same glare.

I decided that I might talk to her on Monday and clear myself. I was going to tell her my feelings whether she have a boyfriend or not but if she have I will definitely shut her out.

She hurt me so much, I didn't expect her to do something like that but I want to get it off my chest and let her know how I feel.


Another update cause why not.

How about some tiny drama?

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