Chapter 19

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This chapter contains make out and other things. If you are reading you have been warned
(Y/n POV)

I stopped the car in the garage and give the keys to Alfred who greeted us happily.

I unlocked the door and let both of us in. My sixth sense was telling me that Suna is up to something but I just pushed it at the back of my head.

"Oh by the way Sam is staying at a friend tonight so you can inform your parents to stay the night." I inform Suna and he texted his mom that he is staying.

We both entered my room and put our bags on the floor. I was surprised of Sunas sudden attack. He grabbed both of my wrists and push me toward the bed and pinned my wrists on the soft mattress.

He waste no time and locked his lips with mine and kissed me roughly. After a minute or so he disconnected the kiss.

"What did I tell you about not to tease me." He whispered softly "didn't I said I might loose it?"

He was looking directly at me. His eyes were full of lust but love at the same time. I decided to tease him for the last time. I know he has lost it already but this time I was ready.

I bit my lip and whispered to him "and didn't I say I wonder what will happen?"

That was enough for him to kiss me again and push my hands harder to the mattress.

He tried to untie my tie with his teeth and refuse to let my hands go. But my tie wouldn't give up.

"Why is your tie have a tight knot?" He huffed and pouted cutely.

"Because you can't take it off easily." I lifted my head to whisper in his ear "let me help you my little fox."

His grip loosened a bit and I pulled my wrists out of his hands and he balanced his weight on his arms.

I started to untie my tie slowly and he was getting more impatient every second. I put my tie away wrapped my hand around his tie and pulled his face to myself and kissed him deeply.

I put my finger between his tie knot and untie it in a blink. He cupped my face in his hand and I put my cold hands on his neck. His neck was hot and He liked it when my cold hand collided with his hot skin.

The kiss was to long and our tongues were dancing together. A thin line of saliva was dripping from the corner of my mouth. It feels so good and so right, I was ready for anything he wants to do.

(Suna POV)

I broke the kiss and caress her cheek. She smiled at me and her dimple appeared. I put my finger in her dimple and she laughed a bit.

I unbuttoned her shirt and look at her for permission. She nod and ran her fingers through my hair.

I started to kiss her neck and bite it. Her flesh is so soft and it smells so good I was taking all my might to go through things slowly.

She whined in pleasure when I sucked the right spot. I sucked it harder to make a hicky there to mark my territory.

"Uh.... Ahh.... god Rin you're driving me crazy." She managed to make a sentence between her moans.

"I can say the same thing about you." I bite her sweet spot and she moaned loudly and her nails digging my shoulder.

I completely took away her shirt and looked at her. She is so thin but muscular at the same time. Her body is in a really good shape from the regular exercise.

I kissed and sucked her upper chest and make sure to leave her a lot of hickies. I pulled down her black bras lace and bite her shoulder, she whined in pain and titled her head to the side.

It gave me more access to her neck and the new unruined skin. After a few love bites and hickies I kissed her on lips.

She started to unbutton my shirt and take it off quickly. She dragged her nails against my bear chest and make me shiver to her touch. She is absolutely wonderful.

I unbuttoned her pants and took them off immediately. She was only in her black underwear, she looked so beautiful, more than I thought.

"You're re so beautiful." I whispered in amazement and she laughed at my expression. She brushed her thumb on the line of my bottom lip then on my upper lip.

She pinched my bottom lip between her fingers and murmured something like 'so soft and tasty. Then she pulled me to herself by pulling my belt.

We kissed and she undo my belt and throw it somewhere in the room. Then she unbuttoned my pants and took them off.

I kissed her neck and make sure that there is nowhere that hasn't been touched. This time was so different from the last time I know that this time we both are equal and it's so scary for both of us.

We are so scared and excited at the same time. This time it's our first time and I don't want to experience my first time with anybody else.

I moved to the other side of her neck and started to make love bites and hickey. I bite her collarbone and she moaned on her normal volume, but that was so enough turn me on.

She giggled a little and I know that she noticed that I was turned on. She moved her knee between my legs and pressed it to my member my boner was getting bigger end bigger. I moaned louder than her and she used this opportunity to kiss me and push her tongue in my mouth.

She bite my bottom lip so hard that started to bleed.

"Ow, ow." I pulled away from the kiss and touched my lips "why did you do that?"

"I wanted to taste you differently." She pulled me again to her and pulled my injured lip into her mouth she sucked it a little then put her tongue on the scar.

Surprisingly it was really calming and feels good. It was like she is injecting endorphins right into my blood, I was so relaxed in her arms.

She pulled away and we stared in each other eyes for minutes. I was lost in her melted chocolate eyes, I could drown myself in them. She was staring right into my soul and free it from any pain that I had.

I kissed her forehead and she hugged my shoulder tight. At that moment we know that we are going to be together forever.

I kissed her lips one more time and started to going down on her body and put burning kisses on her skin.

I didn't want her to moan louder cause I know well that she is the quiet one, and bet small moans were so cute and enough for me.

I put some bite marks here and there. Then I realized how she work out so hard and her body is most muscles.

I grabbed the waist band of her underwear and looked in her eyes. She nod in reassurance and I know that she was ready. I took a deep breath to prepare myself mentally.

All I can say is at the end of the night neither of us was a virgin anymore.


Hi again thank you so much for reading and thank you for near 1k reader.

Please vote and comment it would make me happy eager to write more.

Thank you so much again and have a nice day💜💜💜

~ Helia

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