Chapter 10

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(Suna POV)

The practice ended then (y/n) called her butler to come and take us home.

"Hey, are you going home with (y/n)?" Kita asked surprised.

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No, but is strange." kita raise his eyebrow "she don't seem like girls that take guys home."

"She said that because I'm sick and she knows my parents are away she is going to take care of me till I get healthy." I said weekly while trying to keep my eyelashes open.

"She must really likes you." He said and I looked at him with a "Wtf?" Look.

"Suna, it's time to go." she and and waved at kitas direction.

"Ok, coming."

I said goodbye to everyone and go out of the gym with (y/n) next to me.

When we get near the car Alfred come out and open the back door for us.

"Hello Miss(L/n) hope you had a good day." He said then look at me with a kind smile.

"Hello Mr.Suna hope you get well soon."

"Uhm, thanks sir." I said a bit to formal.

"Ok Alfred in the way please get some medicine that I will write for you, and Rin get in.

"Me get in first?"

"Yes I like to sit near the window."she said while her voice had some hint of worry in it "and if you sit in the middle I can look after you better."

I didn't argue and get in, then (y/n) sit next to me and Alfred start driving.

I was trying not to sleep but my body need some rest and I was so week. I didn't get this sick since second year in middle school.

Suddenly she put her hand on my arm.

"Rin, we should go to pharmacy and it's going to be a bit longer until we get home." she put her hand on side of my head and again I got that shitty butterflies and heart beat "put your head on my shoulder and sleep till we get home then you can sleep in bed and I give you something to eat."

"I can wait to get to bed, and again it wasn't necessary to take me to your place I can take care of my self." I said and pout.

"First, You stubborn head should shut your eyes now till we get home, second I want to, third you yourself know that your are sick like hell and can't stand properly, so you can't take care of yourself."

She said the put my head on her shoulder and her left hand on my tight, she didn't even let me reply.

"You have a habit to end the conversation on what you want." I said with sarcasm in my voice.

She giggled and I get comfy on her shoulder without anymore argue, and immediately sleep.


"Hey, Rin get up. We're at my place." She said and I looked up to her.

Then I realize that I was completely leaning oh her and her back was attached to the door with my head on the crook of her neck.

"S-s-sorry, I didn't mean to lean on you and bother you." I can feel my cheeks burning.

"it's ok and you didn't bother me." She giggled and squeezed my left cheek "and you were so cute while sleeping."

Then she get out of car and my heart beat get doubled.

She opened the door and I see a big house ( that was completely a mansion by the way) with a gray wooden floor and two big living room on each side of the stairs.

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