Chapter 12

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(Suna POV)

I woke up in the morning with a rough cough. I looked at the walls then realized that I was in (y/n) room.

The room was cold because of the open window that (y/n) left it last night I turned around with the blanket around me and find (y/n) sitting on the bed scrolling through her phone.

"Morning Rintarou." She said and turn her attention to me "did you sleep well last night."she said with a smile.

"Yeah I did, thanks."

She leaned on me and wrap the blanket more around me and kissed my temple, then walked to the window and close it.

"Stay in bed until you get warm then go wash your face and get down I'm going to make breakfast." She said and disappear in her closet.

Then she go to the bathroom to change her clothes. None of us have seen her in casual clothes because of school uniform and we still didn't have volunteer practice that we can go to school with our usual clothes.

When she came out of the bathroom she was wearing a tight light icy blue jeans and a sky blue button up T-shirt with a transparent double punch belt and white sneakers.

It really suits her. "Like what you see?" She said smiling.

I blushed like a mad tomato "you look good, and your fashion taste is really good."

"Thanks Rin."she open the door "I think that you should get up, I'm going downstairs."

She left and then I realized that I only have my school uniform for going back home. I curse myself and get up and go to the room that she gave me and check my phone.

There was a lot of miss calls from Atsumu that I ignored but answered kitas texts and reassured him that I'm ok.

I go down and see that (y/n) is making egg and bacon for breakfast.

"Um,(y/n) thank you for taking care of me. I'm going home this afternoon I don't want  to bother you anymore." I said then she turns with a plate.

"First you're not going home because you're not completely ok, second I washed your school uniform and you can shower hear and you go to school with me tomorrow and third I remember that I say I will kick you there if you say you're a bother." She said with one of her scary faces an I gulped.

"You didn't have to wash my uniform, thank you." She put the plate in front of me then we both start eating.

"It's no big deal." She took her plate to wash it. "After you eat let me check your temperature I hope that you don't have fever anymore."

I finished my breakfast and I thanked her then she came with her famous thermometer.

"Oh, thank god you're back to normal." She sighed in relief and ruffled my head.

"So Rin what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know what ever you want to do."

"Um I need to do some office work so I should leave you alone for 2 or 3 hours." She said sadly "sorry, but after that we can watch movies together again."

"That sounds good, but one question."

"Shoot." She replied amused

"Do you work?"

She sighed and looked at me "yes I do. It's correct that my family have a good condition but I'm living alone. I couldn't buy this mansion out of nothing."

"Can I ask you what do you do?"

"I have a fashion company. And now we should prepare ourself for winter collection."she said the smiled

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