Chapter 18

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The next morning when I get into the class see that kuroo with Ariana and her friends are sitting around (y/n) desk with the two morons and kita, Daishou and some other too.I said hi to everyone and sit next to Osamu.

Her uniform is the boys uniform of her school but today she just wore her white button up shirt and her tie, she didn't wore the uniform jacket on it. She looked at me and smiled.

"Ok you two are good now." It was Aysun that asked this.

"Finally yes." (Y/n) said and I nod with a smile.

"Oh, good you two got annoying in the practice while ignoring each other." Kita said over satisfied and we all laughed.

The classes went normally and finally the second class ended and we go for a break time. We were talking to each other the somebody called (y/n).

The voice was unfamiliar for us but she frowned and turned around glaring daggers at the boy. The boy was good looking but a bit  shorter than us with green glassy eyes and light brown hair.

I looked at the girls and their expression was same as (y/n) but she was angrier.

"What do you want?" She asked with gritted teeth.

"Is it the way that you greet me after this so long distance? "He said with a mocking smile that I can feel it boiled (y/n) blood.

"Who is he (y/n)?" Kuroo asked supportively.

She said the two words that I didn't want to hear.

"My, ex."

Then he smirked at us. I wanted to crush that smirk on his face but (y/n) stepped forward.

"You don't come to me for nothing." She was hissing at him so harshly "then just say your bullshits then get the fuck out of my sight."

I think this was the anger that girls were talking about, but nobody except girls didn't see it. Her aura was so dark and surrounding her completely. No one dared to move or talk.

He stepped closer to her, to close that I want to go there but helia grabbed my wrist and shook her head no.

"I just wanted to say you should come back." He was saying this with a straight face "I've missed you so much dear."

She didn't move back from their closeness and didn't say anything. The way he called her dear was so sweet and convincing. Her back was facing me but I can feel her breath fasted. My heart hitches. I am so far away angry and hurt.

"I would never go back to your house with your damn father and your bitch mother." She said more harsh and turned around to walk away.

But suddenly he yelled "I still love you, you damn girl."

She stopped in her track her frown get bigger and turn to him to say something. But I already lost my nerves. I freed myself from helias grip and walked to her angrily.

(Y/n POV)

He said something that put me on edge to beat him to death.

Suddenly Rintarou come in my direction and wrap one arm around my waist and pulled me to himself that my tights were touching his. Then he grabbed my face with the other hand from under my chin harshly that it hurts.

He looked in my eye with anger then kisses me so rough. He closed his eyes, I can tell he was on the edge and he lost it as well. I kissed back and look at my ex from the corner of my half closed eyes and smirked. My hands was loosely on my sides and returning Sunas rough and angry kiss with the all passion that I had to calm him down.

I didn't care that I was in the middle of the corridor and students and teachers might see or I might be reported to principal. The only thing that I care is Suna and our relationship.

After few minutes we broke our kiss. I looked at my ex directly in his green eyes. "I moved on, and I never want to be with a rat like you in a cage, so get lost."
"You will regret it." He ran off with teary eyes and I looked at Suna and my friends.

"You two are dating?" Paria asked with shock written all over her face and we both nod with a smile.

"Wow congrats dude you picked the tough one." Kuroo said and we all laughed

"I know but worth it" Suna said and laughed.

The bell ring and I decided to teas him a little. I got up and just kissed is bottom lip. I was tall so my head was just a little above his chin and about 14centimeters shorter than him so I reached him easily.(Suna is 185,7 cm/ you are 171,7 its a good hight for a girl)

After the teasing kiss I dashed off, he tried to catch my wrist but failed. He followed me to get a full kiss but I sat on my desk and the teacher just came in a perfect time.

He looked so disappointed and I gave him a devilish smirk.

(Suna POV)

The day was passing and she was teasing me time to time. I am getting impatient slowly but the thing she doesn't know is, that I have some plans for getting her back.

The last class ended and we walked to the parking lot when Helia appeared in front of us.

"(Y/n) can I barrow your boyfriend for a second?" She said sweetly to her best friend.

(Y/n) nod her head and ruffled her boyish hair then put a kiss oh her cheek. Helia smiled and kissed her cheek back.

These two are friends for 13 years and so inseparable. They have a cute friendship that is more like a sisterhood they are so sweet around each other but they can be devils in hell when you mess with one of them.

I really like helia and glad that (y/n) have a friend to back her up 24/7. And (y/n) have her back 24/7 as well.

She went to her car then helia looked at me with a serious look.

"You know that she is my best friends right?" She asked a bit harsh.

I was surprised so I just nod.

"So just want you to know if you break her heart I will break your dick." She said so serious and I know she would definitely do it.

"I'm not planning to break her heart." I replied with my usual monotone.

"Good." Then her feature softened. She pat my shoulder "congratulation by the way."

She left and I get into the car next to my girlfriend.

"You know your best friend is something."

She laughed knowingly and nod.

"Okay do you want to study at my house?" She asked happily

I agreed because it would help my devilish plan that I have for her.

"Oh I almost forgot." She looked at me questioning "my parents invited you for dinner this weekend are you free?"

"OMG yes." She looked happy "It was really nice of them to invite."

I smiled at her and the rest of the ride was in a comforting silence and a light music in the back and I was lost in my devilish plan.

Next part is 😈😈😈
I appreciate every reader and thank you so much for reading if you put comments fore me I will be more than happy

~ Helia

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