Chapter 16

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(Suna POV)

I got home pretty late and fall on my bed immediately. I started crying uncontrollably. I hurt her, hurt myself for no reason, he was just her cousin. I drifted to sleep while crying.

I wake up with a killing headache. I remembered what happened last night between (y/n) and me. I decided not to go to school so I go to sleep again.

I wake up again at 1 o'clock because of my phone ringing.

"What do you want Atsumu."

"Ok rude, are you with (y/n)?" He asked with joy.

"No why would I?" His joy disappeared

"Well you both didn't come to school today." He said a bit worried "and didn't tell anyone. You worried us."

"We went into a fight." I said to him

"Uh sorry, I hope you two figure it out I won't disturb you bye."he hung up and I hit my head on the pillow.

Is she that hurt that she didn't want to see me at school?


It was 9 o'clock in the night. The day went quickly, and hard. I am used to see her everyday even if I didn't talk to her in a week or so. I was so depressed that I didn't even eat.

I wanted to watch a movie, I picked a so random movie and go to the to grab a glass of water. My eyes were dry from crying and not drinking water.

When the movie starts I realized that it is black swan. Tears began to build behind my eyes and my vision got blurry.

This was the movie when we shared our first kiss, my first kiss and make out session.

I started crying again for the tenth time in these two days. I cried my heart out.

After calming a bit I decided that I need to see her, if I don't see her now I won't survive till the morning.

I washed my face with cold water and grab a black jeans, a black shirt and a black hoodie on it. I get out of the house, it was raining an it was so cold but I didn't care I just need to see her and if possible that I don't think it is kiss her.

I ran through the rain and cry at the same time. I was blaming myself. I could just confess to her and ask her to be my girlfriend.

I was lost in my thoughts when the mansion came into my view. I calmed myself a bit and wanted to ring the bell but see Alfred at the middle of the yard taking the dogs to their shelter.

He saw me and after locking the dogs house come in my direction.

"Hello Mr.Suna. What can I do for you this late?" He said while opening the front gate.

"I want to see (y/n) if it's possible." I was so cold and my voice was shaking.

He looked at my face knowingly with his usual kind smile " I see. You really did hurt her young man." He put his hand on my shoulder "go talk to her I didn't see her this hurt since his grandfathers death."

Great I just gave her the second worst pain in her life "thank you." I said and ran for the door. I hesitate but at the end rang the bell. I heard her voice.

"Alfred I told you that I'm o.... oh Rintarou?" She said confused "what are you doing here?"

I couldn't hold back my tears shit it was the 11 time that I cried. "I want to talk."

She looked at me for a while then pulled me in "you are soaking you might catch a cold."

(Y/n POV)

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