Chapter 8

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(Y/n POV)

I was walking to the library for studying English, cause we have an exam tomorrow.

I was walking between the shelves when I see a figure sitting on one of the tables and studying, whenever he didn't understand something he would groan in frustration.

After paying some attention I find out that it is Suna who is studying for exam too. "Cute." I thought. I decided to go and help him and maybe talk to him.

(Suna POV)

I was frustrated from the grammar that I was trying to understand for the future exam when somebody whispered in my ear "need some help Rintarou?"

I jumped from my sit and turn away to see that (y/n) is laughing at me.

"Omg, you should have seen your face, it was so scared and cute." She managed to say between her laughter.

"You gave me a heart attack, and now laughing at me?" I replied while still trying to process what has just happened.

"And did you call me cute?" I smirked at her.

She catch her breath "yeah, also you was looking like a child who was trapped in a cage back there" she looked at me with calmness in her eyes that made me calm.

"So do you need help?" She asked "I wanted to study for the exam too, if you want we can study together hm?"

"Yeah why not besides I won't say no to a little help." I said and smile to her.

We started studying and I was carefully listening to her. Her explanations are fluent and I was drinking every word that comes out of her mouth.

Sometimes she asks me if I understand or not and I answer with a nod.

After 2 hours of studying she finally said that's enough for the exam and reassured me that I'm going to be successful in my exam.

"God I like spending time with her"I thought.

"I like spending time with you too." She said with a smile and I look at her in disbelief.

"Did I said that out loud?" I said embarrassed.

"Yes you did." She giggled " I like to hear that you like spend your time with me Rin"

With her saying that sentence and use of my nickname I blushed even more than before.

"Ok I should go home I have dogs to feed and need to cook something to eat" she said while packing her he stuff.

"Do you want me to walk with you." I said hoping that her answer is yes.

"It's not necessary because My house is probably far from yours but if you want you can join."

"Ok, I will walk with you." I said and follow her out of the library.

We were walking in silence and I wanted to crack a conversation badly.


"What?" I was confused from the sudden command.

"What's on your mind Rintarou?" She looked at me "Tell me I'm curious."

"You can really read people huh?" I said amused with a smile. "Do you live alone?"

"Yeah why?"

"Nothing just curious, sorry if I bother you."

She let out a soft small giggle "no it's ok I live alone and my parents are living back in my country. And I live here with my butler."

"You have a butler?" I was surprised.

"Uh well yeah. you will see why I have one when we arrive, my house is a little big so I need some help with groceries and stuff."

We were walking and talking about different things. Surprisingly talking and having fun with her is easy and calming.

Beside her usually serious expression that she have when she is working, and a emotionless face that I'm sure that she pull it because she don't want to people find about her emotions, she is really supportive and fun.

We were laughing and talking when she said that we arrived at her place.
I looked up and stand completely shock.

"You call this house?" I said still shock "you live in a  freaking mansion no wonder you need a butler"

She laughed but looked sad " yeah, but really it's not a big deal."

"Why are you looking sad?" I finally read her correctly.

"From the time I came to Japan or back in Germany 7 years ago, I tried to hide my place or the fact that, well I have a life above average." She sighed "because when people find this out they think that I'm that kind of rich child that has some pride and try to mock my wealth in their face."

"The only person who know me since when we were in country before  emigration are the girls that you know them before I came back to Japan."

She had some pain in her voice, she must have gone through so much loneliness and emotional pain back then.

She finally said" I hope you don't want to do things that they did before."

"Why should I do that? For such a hilarious reason." I told her reassuring.

She smiled then open the front gate and invite me in the yard I saw two huskies run in her direction and jump in her embrace.

Then I see a middle age man in a black suit and kind smile behind the dogs.

"Hello miss(L/n). Welcome back." the man said then looked at me "I see you brought gust do you need me to do anything?"

"Hi Alfred, thank you but no I handle it myself." Then she looked at me

"Hey Rin do you want to come inside." She asked me.

"As much as I like to but I have so much homework for next week that I didn't do yet." I was sad that I couldn't go with her "but the next time that you invite me, well if you invite me it wouldn't be a no."

"Ok then, go home but don't over work, just review for tomorrow exam." She told me and smile while the two huskies were jumping around her because of her lack of attention to them.

"Thanks, bye(y/n)."

"Bye, Rin see you tomorrow."

I got out of the gate and waved her she waved back.

When I got in the way of my house I noticed the she got more comfortable around me and I like spending the whole time I have with her.

We are good friends now but, when I'm near her I can hear my heart beat in my ears and I fell excited.

I'm still confuse and anxious about what is happening to me because I can't understand what is it but the thing that I'm sure about is that I like to be around her and get closer to her.


Hi everyone.
I upload two parts today because I might not be able to upload tomorrow because of school but I'm preparing good parts for the day after tomorrow 😉😉

Hope you all enjoy it.
Thank you for reading.💜💜💜


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