Chapter 7

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After three days of training with her team we were having some extra exercise while Ceho was having a match against Nohebi.

I was busy  thinking about my feelings and exercise then I hear a whine from pain in the court.

"what happened" nohebi coach asked "are you ok daishou?"

"Yeah I have a small pain in my hand but overall I'm ok" daishou answered

"let me see it" (y/n) asked

She examined his hand "he has twisted his wrist" she explained "he isn't able to play for 4 days, and now let me take care of it, suguru follow me"

She said and went to the changing room with daishou follow her behind.

I got back to my exercise when the coach called me to bring the medicine balls for more exercises I nod and went to find the balls.

When I get to the changing room I see
(y/n) wrapping daishous wrist while exchanging some words and they both seemed so friendly.

I move past them slowly behind the lockers not want to be seen but (y/n) got me "Hey Suna,do you have a moment? I want to talk to you "she said to me with one of her rare smiles that makes me week.

"y-yeah just let me give the medicine balls to coach and then talk" I replied

"Ok I'm waiting here for you."

Then she let go of daishous wrist and told him not to play for 4 days but he should come to practice for watching.

I find the balls at the end of the storage room which was at the end of the changing room and hand them to coach then go  back to see what (y/n) want to tell me.

"hey, come here" she said while patting the space next to her on the bench she was sitting. "ok I know it's weird that call you alone to talk but it was necessary."

"is there something wrong, did I do something I shouldn't?" I asked worriedly but she just smile.

"no Suna you didn't do anything wrong, but you seem off these days, is there anything that is bothering you? I'm here to help."

How did she notice, I was good at my playing, I showed nothing about my feelings to my team mates or coaches but she did notice.

"Uuh no, and I think my playing was good and my blocks are getting better than before, and I'm improving." I said half heartedly, hoping that she accept it.

"I'm not talking about your skills Suna, and you know it" she said looking at me worriedly " I know something is bothering you and I'm hundred percent sure, I wont push you but I'm here if you wanted to talk."

"I'm not here to just be your mentor, I'm here to help. Help as a friend if you considering me one."

I just looked away from her not wanting her to know about my emotions more than she know. Suddenly she put her hand on the nape of my neck and squeezed it lightly, motioning me to look at her I shivered from her touch, she realized it but didn't say anything.

Heat raised up my body and I'm sure that she can feel the hotness from the touch of my skin.

"It's not gonna work." I looked at her confused "Don't think if you look away you can hide things." She said with a smile but her eyes were worried.

"like I said I'm not going to push you but whenever you needed help don't hesitate but now let's go back to practice."

She said then stands up and walked toward the door.

"(Y/n)?" Shit it slipped through my mouth


"Um, the first day you said you have a habit of calling people by their names and you did so with most of the members that are here like daishou, but why don't you call me by my name?" Why in the heaven and hell i'm asking her this?

"hehe, I said I call you by which one is shorter but prefer the first name"she turn back and knelt in front of me "do you want me to call you by your name?"

"w-well, y-yeah."

"Ok,Rintarou is nice but a little too long for the time I want to shout in the practice." She giggled "so, can I call you Rin? But call you by your name when we aren't at practice."

"Y-yeah, no problem."

"Ok, Rin let's get back before everybody thinks the wrong idea."

I blushed from what she said and she let out a giggle while going out of the changing room.

I got up after calming my self then head back to practice with the thought of she is going to call me not only by my name, but also a nickname.

Today was something.

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