Chapter 9

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(Suna POV)

It was the second week of the training camp and everyone were doing their best to win the ward ship.

Today was the last day of the practice for all teams this week except us, because tomorrow is weekend and the weekly match day which it happens to be us VS a team that came from miyagi.

Our team is practicing more today but I'm not feeling well. I hope I don't get sick because of staying in the rain two days ago.

The practice was over and (y/n) started her lecture about resting well tonight before the match, and tell the other teams to come for watching the match.


I wake up with a killing headache, I forced myself to get out of bed to go to training match.

After wearing my clothes I didn't feel like eating any thing so I head to school feeling so numb.

Our team was one and half hour early, after warming up my headache get worse and I felt dizzy.

"hey Suna you ok?" It was kita "you look a bit tired and unstable today."

"Don't worry I'm ok." but really I wasn't good at all

The coach come and told us about the team that we are going against but I didn't hear anything.

My headache is getting worse and now I can feel my whole body in pain.

"Rintarou, are you ok?"

I looked up and see (y/n) standing next to coach and asked me. Before I can say anything kita answered.

"I asked him before and he said he is ok but he really seem off."

"He is obviously not ok." She walk toward me and bend over my head "Rin are you sick?"

I finally gave up of trying be ok I stand up to look at her directly.

"I don't know, I woke up with a bad headache and feeling dizzy and now I feel body pain."

She suddenly cupped my face and press her lips to my forehead. Now I feel hotter than before.

"He has a high fever." She said to coach "he can't play today."

WHAT? I can't play? But what about the team.

"I can't let him not to play." Coach was frustrate "he is my best middle blocker and this team is strong I need all of my players."

(Y/n) wanted to argue but she decided to make a deal.

"Ok I can make him feel a bit  better for now but I will let him play on one condition." She said seriously to coach.

"I let him play but whenever in the match I say you should drag him out of the court."

Coach think for a moment "Ok but I rather him to play."

"His health is more important." (Y/n) replied bitterly and dragged me to the changing room.

I had no strength to respond so I just follow her.

She put a mat on the corner of the changing room and then go to the bathroom and come back with a bowl of water and a towel, then she hand me a pill and my water bottle.

"Take this and then lie down." She looked at me kindly "Don't worry I won't let you play for to long you're not in a good condition at all."

I just nod and took the pill then lie down.
I closed my eyes then feel something cold on my forehead and dozed off.

(Y/n POV)

He have a high fever and body pain, it's not good at all maybe it took him 2 or 3 days to get better.

I put the towel on his forehead and notice that he doze off immediately. I ran my fingers through his black hair.

They was soft an smell like a cold spring breeze, he purred in satisfaction of my touch in his sleep and I giggled quietly.

After about an hour I wake him up, his temperature didn't change at all and he looked bad he really need some good rest.

"Rin the match is about to start bet I won't let you play to long and if you feel worse you should immediately say to me ok?"

He nod and I turn back to go " thanks."

"What?" I asked him

" Em, thank you ... for taking care of me..." he said shyly and his cheeks get red more than before.

I walked to him then hug him. He surprised but relaxed after a moment and returned the hug "No problem, now let's go."

The game started and I wasn't paying attention to the game. I was just focused on Suna to take him out any time he show that his condition is getting worse.

He was trying his best and his block was successful but his eyes showed pain and exhaustion, then he tripped.

"Take him out." I said to the coach

"But in only 20 minutes past." Coach argued.

"Take. Him. OUT." I said angrily this time "he is going to pass out and his not good.
You will hurt him if you don't take him out NOW."

Coach don't wanted to but because of my anger took him out then I motioned him to come to the side of the court. Oh god he look terrible and under his eyes are going black.

When he get near me he put his head on my shoulder without his decision.

"It's ok Rin I got you." I reassured him.

(Suna POV)

I was feeling bad but after her reassurance  I feel a little better then she take my hand and pulled me to the end of the gym.

She sat on the ground and pat the space next to her for me to sit. I did as she said then she pulled my head on her shoulder and wrap her arm around my shoulder and put her head above mine.

"You should see the game." I said numbly "you need to decide on teams based on games."

"I know but I don't care, when you are like this." She replied.

My heart beat sped up by her sentence and I feel that my face got hotter than before and feeling some damn butterflies in my stomach.

"Now close your eyes and rest." She tapped her fingers on my shoulder "after the game I will bring you home."

I just nod and she got silence I was trying to avoid the noises when she asked a question.

"Are your parents home to take care of you?"

"Well my parents are on a trip and I'm alone for three weeks."

She looked at me then sighed in worry.

"Ok you will come to my place." She said while looking at court "I will call Alfred to drive us home."

"You don't have to." I take my head of her shoulder to look at her "I can take care of myself."

"I know I don't have to but I want to." Then she looked at me with a scary look "and you can barely walk from dizziness. It's obvious that you can't take care of yourself. You will stay at my place till you get better."

She end the conversation not waiting for my reply and I was to week to argue with her. But I was happy that she is going to take care of me.

I know I said I won't update today but I couldn't resist 😂😂

So enjoy 😉

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