Chapter 17

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(Suna POV)

I wake up at morning and (y/n) was no where to be seen. I checked my phone and it showed 12 in the noon.

I jumped out of the bed and washed my face. I was so tired last night so slept a little to much. I was heading downstairs that I heard laughing.

I see that (y/n) is making lunch and talking with sam who is sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Morning you two." I said still sleepy

"Morning sleepyhead." She said and smiled.

"Good afternoon Rintarou." Sam said in a teasing way and I just laughed at him. He is a really good friend I really judged him by my anger.

"Oh I was forgetting it." He said with a teasing smile "why was your door locked last night my dear cousin?"

I laughed at the question because I know why she locked it and it seems to be correct but really with these two I don't know where the conversation might go.

"I locked it because of your curious ass." She smirked knowingly "I knew you wouldn't bare to know what is happening in my room."

"You sure you didn't do anything that you shouldn't?" He teased his cousin

I want to say that we didn't do anything but she was faster.

"What if we did?" She said and I was red as a tomato.

"Then it means that you lost your virginity to him." He said and pointed to me.

I buried my face in my hand from embarrassment. They sure are soooo comfortable around each other.

"You two are so embarrassing." I managed to say finally.

The two just laughed at me expression and (y/n) take my hands from my face and hold them.

"But last night something happened in that room." She said and smiled, her cousin raised one eyebrow to her "I got a boyfriend there."

"Wait what?" He said shock and I was scared as hell if he don't approve our relationship "you two are dating now?"

She nod. Her cousin took a moment then rushed to her side and hugged her and spines her in a circle.

"Congratulations you two." He sighed "but it's not fair I lost to you again. Now you have a relationship sooner then me and I'm three years older than you."

I laughed at their fun competition. They look much like brother and sister than cousins.

"Ok I'm staying at my friends house tonight so don't wait for me." He walked through the stairs and was ready to run "you two are alone sooo use protection."

(Y/n) just started at him blank and the only thing that she said was "run"

They start running upstairs and I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe after 15 minutes of shouting, running and slamming doors they came down for lunch.

We spend the afternoon eating lunch and talking to each other. In the 6 o'clock in the afternoon Sam take his leave to his friend house.

I wanted to talk to her when her phone rang she put it on speaker.

"Hey Ari you're on speaker." she said

"You too and kita, Atsumu, Osamu, Paria, Helia and Aysun are here too." She took a deep breath and start to yell "WHERE THE HELL YOU AND SUNA ARE YOU SKIPPED SCHOOL FOR TWO FUCKING DAYS IN A ROW WITHOUT CALLING US AND WE ARE SICK WORRIED."

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN FOR A SECOND AND LET ME EXPLAIN." (Y/n) then continued "I assume that you know me and Suna had some misunderstandings and we went through a fight,now we are fixing it. No need to worry."

"Oh thank god you two better fix things and be at school tomorrow." She said and hung up.

"She have some nerves." She huffed

"You have too." I said to her

"What do you mean?" She frowned and put her hands on her hipps.

"Well you get so scary when you are angry, and you shouted on us sometime in practice. You can really scream in a high pitch." I said and laughed at her 'shut it' expression.

"Ok don't pout come here and give me a kiss."

"No." She said bluntly.

"What I didn't hear you?" I said in a warning voice.

"I said NO." She smirked.

I stand up from the bar stool and rushed to her side then grabbed her wrist and pushed her through the wall.

I hold her shoulders tight and keep her between me and the wall. I crashed my lips on to her and kissed her roughly. I felt her smile on my lips but she didn't kissed back.

I pushed harder and finally she gave up and kissed me back. Now I am more in control. She wrap her hand around my neck and pulled me closer.

I licked her bottom lip for asking permission and she gave it to me. We where making out for god know how long then we pulled away panting and saliva strings connecting our lips.

"Don't ever teas me like that or I might loose it." I said still panting.

"I wonder what would happen if you loose it." She raised one eyebrow in teasing way then pecked my lips and go into the kitchen.

The day went smoothly and it was time for me to go back home. I wanted to walk but she insisted that Alfred drive me home. I kissed he goodbye and promised to see her at school.

When I arrived at home I thanked Alfred.
I unlocked the door and went in but the lights were on.

"Hi Sweetie, where were you?" It was my mom that came and hugged me. I hugged her.

"Hi mom I was at my girlfriend house." I said with a small smile.

She looked at me shocked "you have a girlfriend?"

"Uh yes?"

"OMG, my little boy finally grow up." She pulled me in a bone cracking hug "Kit come down now, your boy have a girlfriend."

My dad rushed from the stairs "the thing that you're mother is saying is correct?"

"Yes." I said while my smile get wider

He pat my shoulder "congratulations son."

"Ok when we can see her? What does she look like? How old is she? Does she in a good family?"My mom asked rapidly

I laughed at her excitement "slow down mom. She is beautiful that I can't explain now. She have a good family and yes if you invite her you can see her and she is in my class in this one semester camp, she's from black marble school."

"Ok how about we invite her this weekend?" She said "and she isn't from Japan?"

"I will ask her about the weekend and no she isn't from Japan."

"My son has a good taste. I didn't know." My dad said from the hall.

"DAD" I shouted embarrassed and he just laughed.

"Ok but who was the man that drove you home?" My mom asked concerned

"He was her butler, I wanted to walk but she insisted on her butler driving me home."

"OMG she is definitely so nice and I think rich. Good choice my dear." My mom said day dreaming.

"I don't like he for her wealth and she know it."I said annoyed

"I know sweetie. I know my son definitely fell for her heart." She said and went to kitchen.

I went to my room and I fell asleep as the thought of this weekend.


We have some nice stuff in the next chapteeerrrsss😉😈

Enjoy 💜


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