Fall apart

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Fall apart

Exhaustion rests heavy on my spine
Tired from nighty tears and fast heartbeats
There's a light in those eyes
Artificial like in a hospital when the world is dark

Those eyes are mine
Those smiles are fake
Faked through years of building darkness
Those smiles are mine

Red lips, pale face, dark eyes
Blood red lips
Pale face and dark eyes from sleepless night
I don't want to let go

Conversation and light outside dwindling
Shadow and silence growing
Stagnant between me and my demons
The words left to be said

Focusing on the burning in my throat
To distance myself for the cold
The cold that dances across my skin
Focus on the burning

Thudding pain in the head
Weighing eyelids against my cheekbones
Blood on my lips
Thick and metallic

I want to scream
Scream until my throat is bloody and raw
Scream until I can't feel anything at all
Scream until I stop falling further

Presse my hands to my ears and scream
Scream and scream until I fall apart
I fall apart and there's nothing left
Nothing left for me to savage

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