Golden ichor of a shattered god

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Golden ichor of a shattered god

Decades melt into an obscure century
Passing through as if only a ghost
For a lifetime never lived
And never dreamed of being seen

Nothing worth
But the silver in those eyes
And the only blood in these veins
Straining destiny and ichor and red

Nothing but silver and blood
A liar with golden blood
And wealth in theses veins
Nothing but the golden ichor

Death linger around
Clinging to pale skin and dark eyes
Burrying resentment in those bones
Leaking out from the scars

Destiny stained in ichor and blood
Silver in the eyes,
Silver on the tongue
Waiting through the night

Fate sealed by blood
Tragic past, dark ink
Dark night, golden blood
Staining those red lips

Nothing worth but the silver
On the tongue, in the eyes
And the ichor in the blood
Sealing the fate of a shattered god

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