Just a goodbye ✨

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Just a goodbye

What the hell did I do
I let you go
I didn't mean to
I didn't even say goodbye

Didn't had the time to
The day just went by
I didn't see the hours pass
But I saw you leave

I've been up all night
Waiting for you
Wishing you would come back
Wishing you never left

I wish I got to say goodbye
Just a little goodbye
I didn't meant to let you go
Let me hold you while I cry

It was never supposed to end here
You smile when you die
You dance when you break
And the sun shines when it rains

I just wanted to say goodbye
Just a little goodbye
Before you left without one
Leaving to never come back

For Ivy
An angel who left too soon
Keep smiling in paradise for me, ok?
I love you

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