Don't cry little one

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Don't cry little one

Go to sleep little one
Hug your teddy bear close
Have good dreams little one
Those won't last

Don't worry little one
We'll get you through the dark
Don't cry little one
Don't cry

Hey little one,
Wanna hear a lullaby?
Yeah, go to sleep little one
You'll be happy again tomorrow

They can say anything
That we're crazy,
As long as we're happy
I'll put you to sleep little one

Hey, don't cry little one
Wanna hear a joke?
Yeah, go to bed little one
We'll be happy again

Smile little one
We'll make it through the dark
Smile, a million dreams
Are waiting for you

Don't cry little one
We've survived today,
We'll survive tomorrow
Go to sleep little one

Hey little one,
You want a lullaby?
Yeah, go to sleep
As long as you're happy, I am too

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