Chapter 11: Admission

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Abbey's cheeks were on fire as she stiffly chose a table in the dimly-lit café. She didn't notice until she sat that the cloth adorning the table was dotted with Love Balls.

Noooooo! Hopefully he's too thick to notice, let alone take a hint.

Cinderace, having picked up a stone on the way, played catch with Charizard. Leon returned to their table with a tray piled high with malasadas. Abbey couldn't ever imagine him stuffing his perfect figure with those calorie-bombs... but he probably knew anyone who'd lived in Alola loved them.

Stop being so nice! I want to hate you!

'You look worried.'

Yeah, I am!

'Probably worried about Alfie's fans. You know.'

Well, that much is true.

'Oh, no need to worry about that. The owner here stops people taking photos. One of the few places me and Charizard can eat in peace.'

He paused. 'It's not that I don't appreciate our fans, but...'

'No. I know. You don't need to justify that one.'

'I went out with Mum and Hop not long ago. People complained that I'm getting fat and overfeeding my Pokémon.'

He stared down at the mound of malasadas. He wasn't eating. Abbey, her mouth full of food, felt suddenly guilty.

'That's ridiculous!'

'I do get it. Parents want me to be a role model.'

'But you're not even...'

How did she politely say he wasn't the Champion anymore? He understood the silence.

'Well, no-one's held the title for long since. And I was Chairman of the League for a while, so I suppose they're all waiting for me to turn out like Rose.'

'Yeah, I know, but role models shouldn't have to starve themselves.'

'Of course, but you know what the public are like! I should think about using my platform to address that, but...'

For the first time in Abbey's memory his face fell, like a carefully practiced mask dropped away, to leave him looking truly exhausted. She suddenly noticed dark circles under his eyes.

'Leon, I hate to sound like your mum, but you need a break. You look knackered!'

'Oh, it's alright... I'll feel better in the morning.'

'Have you done anything but work since you inherited that Tower?! No, wait, I already know. You've done nothing but work all your life. You need a long holiday or something. You should come visit me in Alola.'

The conversation flowed too quickly for Abbey to question her words. He peered through the fingers he rubbed his eyes with. His expression was unreadable... or was he disappointed? About what?

'That's a long way.'

'Exactly. No-one's going to bother you out there.'

And my friends all hate you because I encouraged them to. Well, I don't think anything would've stopped them laughing at the 'Charizard pose' – or better yet, when you actually hear him say 'Charyzard pooze' – but anyway. Maybe I need to have a word with them... except I still hate you. Don't I?

'I'll take you to the Battle Tree for a real challenge. And the Ride Pokémon Ranch. You can meet all the Charizard! It's like Flying Taxis, but better.'

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