Chapter 21: The Winner Is...

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While Sonia went shopping, Abbey, Hop and Leon changed trains at Gear Station. Hop, yelling that Unova's Trainers didn't know what was about to hit them, charged off to board the Battle Subway's Single Train. Abbey and Leon headed for the Multi Trains, showing their IDs to a brusque Depot Agent. Carriages decorated in vibrant graffiti rattled past the grimy platform. The sticky hot air was oppressive. Light burst from train windows where battles raged. The Trainers inside clung to poles and rails. Sharing glances of encouragement before boarding the next train, it felt once again like they were back on the Gym Challenge – except now they were experienced adults who needed to work together, not against each other.

It took several turns for them, let alone their Pokémon, to adjust to battling on a fast-moving train. Dragapult managed to confuse itself, sending its Dreepy whirling around the carriage, much to their opponents' amusement – though their fascination with the unfamiliar Pokémon levelled the playing field. Between battles, they took the opportunity to sit, eliciting cackles from their next opponents; but that pair were left red-faced when all their Pokémon went down in one hit. When they finally returned to Nimbasa City after defeating the courteous Subway Bosses, Ingo and Emmet, it felt like days had passed in that underground world where day and night were the same. Abbey glugged back the energy drink she bought from a newsstand.

'That was... different.'

Leon had returned from a convenience store with a multipack of water. 'It certainly was. Better take water this time.'

'What, we're going back into that shithole?'

It was a rhetorical question. She grinned. Boarding the Super Multi Train, they lost their third battle; but now, in perfect sync, they didn't need to ask each other if they were going to continue regardless. Leon, despite only just having mastered Multi Battles himself, couldn't help giving their opponents advice on how to improve. Abbey laughed, but she still watched him affectionately. He couldn't be doing it just for his own satisfaction. He would never see these people again. It was his reflex action as a coach. Abbey wanted to veer off the platform back into the station during their breaks every seven battles, but she also wanted to stay there on the train, barely speaking to Leon yet silently communicating, forever. They had no idea what time it was. As their Battle Points racked up, Abbey began to hope they might reach 49 and take a trophy home... but at 35, they stepped off the train to find Hop and Sonia waiting on the platform.

'You've been in here forever!'

Sonia smiled. 'We do have a speech to practice.'

The Depot Officer froze their streak. They didn't have far to go. They could wrap it up another day... or so they thought.


Castelia University's courtyards were packed. Passersby, intrigued by the apparently huge event they hadn't heard about, asked for autographs and photos with scientists the paparazzi chased. Abbey and Leon were used to their flashing cameras. Hop and especially Sonia were not, but it was Sonia, the granddaughter of Magnolia and Galar region's official professor, they targeted. She breathed a sigh of relief when they got inside.

'I don't think any of those "fans" even knew who I was!'

Taking seats at their table, Abbey's eyes scanned the room. She recognised the Unova region's Professor Juniper and her father, Cedric. Kanto's Professor Oak was, of course, wandering around. As one of the world's most renowned professors, he attended most scientific events. Lenora waved to them from the table she occupied with her husband, Hawes, and Driftveil City's Gym Leader, Clay. There was a sudden burst of ear-piercing squealing outside. Hop frowned.

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