Chapter 38: Nothing to Hide

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Leon forgot to lock his door. Abbey affectionately told him he was hopeless. Then, before she could take in anything else, a familiar smell whisked her back to that day 25 years ago when she and Leon reluctantly left his Pokémon magazines for vegetable tajine. Haxorus watched the stove.

'Tajine! My favourite. You remembered!'

'Of course.'

There was only one matching chair at the petite table. The other came from Leon's office. Abbey was surprised to see racks stacked with spices and vegetables. None of the dishes or appliances matched, but the little kitchen was crammed with them.

'I didn't know you cooked.'

'Despite Hop claiming I have no sense of taste, yes. I actually can cook.'

He pulled out the matching chair for her before hanging up his jacket. She smiled down at the scratched table. No love interest made her dinner before. Alfie couldn't cook. Her eyes flitted across the open-plan space to the living room. A football match between Motostoke and Hammerlocke was muted on the TV. Dragapult was asleep on the sofa. She saw the photo of herself and Cinderace amongst trophies on one of several crowded shelves. There were more. She wandered over to look at one, of all the Gym Challengers about to set out from Hammerlocke. The others were all looking at the camera, but Abbey grinned at Leon and Charmander. He smiled back.

'Oh, those photos.'

Cutlery clinked. 'Kind of sad, isn't it? I thought you hated me, but I couldn't get rid of them.'

'But I didn't. I just...'

'I know.'

She sat to eat the dinner he so carefully cooked. It was delicious.

Oh, bloody hell, he can even cook.

Inteleon took the dishes and replaced them with a pile of malasadas. Abbey was tumbling further down her hole of infatuation by the second. She still wasn't sure it was for the best, because she knew losing Leon now would utterly shatter her heart. Though why would she? He took her hand and the plate of malasadas to lead her to the sofa. The football match was still on. She didn't remember him being a Motostoke fan, but according to the framed poster on the wall, he was.

'Mum gave me that. I think she hopes if I get into football I might not spend so much time on Pokémon, but I can't say I really get it...'

His arm was around her shoulders. They weren't here to watch football. That soft smile blurred as she leaned in to kiss him. His strong arms pulled her close. She couldn't be shy. The blazing fire his touch ignited in her veins was overwhelming. Her hand ran hungrily over his chest. His caressed her leg until they tugged at her shirt. She panicked for one more moment that she was corrupting her innocent friend, but she looked up into his eyes and found they were burning as fiercely as her blood with infatuation and lust. Seeing that was like a hurricane intensifying the fire. She fumbled to unbutton his shirt. He yanked hers off. Then he hauled her up so her legs wrapped around his waist and stumbled with her, as she kissed his neck, to his bedroom. The door slammed shut. Abbey couldn't take in her surroundings. All she knew, all she cared about, was her lover ardently tumbling over her onto his bed. Insecurities were hurled away with the remnants of their clothes. She had never wanted anyone so much, ever... and he wanted her equally when the rest of the world was throwing poo at her.

'Leon, wait...'

'You OK?'

'I am, but I don't want to do anything too soon that...'

'It's not soon enough.'

His hands were in her hair. Her teeth sank into his neck, her nails into his back as everything she ever known fell to pieces around their entangled limbs. She didn't want to give in to screaming his name so fast, but she lost all control. There was nothing to hide. They revelled in their intertwined pleasure together until they were both screaming and they fell still, silent but for panting, his head buried in her shoulder. His arm weakly, softly, wrapped around her waist. Time had stopped. The world had stopped. Nothing existed but their sweaty ecstasy. It was all Abbey ever wanted and more.

'I love you,' he said with that soft smile when they flopped back onto the scattered pillows. She couldn't help believing him.

They barely slept two hours when the alarm went off at 4:30AM. Abbey groggily reached to switch it off. Leon hadn't noticed. She shook him awake. His face lit up and he pulled her close. She was dozing again when the door handle rattled. Charizard and Cinderace peered in.

'OK, OK! I'm getting up!'

Abbey wanted to convince him to stay, but she knew he couldn't leave Victor alone at the Battle Tower without warning again. She collected her crumpled clothes. With anyone else, even after years with Alfie, she hid under the sheets until they weren't looking to get dressed. She was so comfortable, so assured she was wanted now, she didn't care. It felt like she had known Leon forever because she had. Her thoughts went straight to her mouth without a filter.

'Did I mention your mum gave me some condoms?'

'She what?!'

'I assume you don't have a disease.'

He looked horrified. 'No! I threw mine away because I've not been near anyone in six years! Bloody hell. Does she think I'm stupid or does she think I'm a saint?'

'I think it was her way of asking me to get in there so I can coax you to go and see her.'

'Royally embarrassing me is hardly the way to go. Now I feel like there's a hidden camera in here...'

'Well, since I forgot them anyway, I ought to get the morning after pill. Although it'll be in the papers tomorrow.'

'I'll get it. My mum's caused you enough embarrassment already! When's the chemist open? Nine?'

She was so pleased he automatically offered, she couldn't refuse.


She was also curious now. 'Maybe she does think you're a saint. Your mates do.'

'Well, I'm not Randal, but I've had a few girlfriends and let's just say there's a reason I don't speak to Malcolm anymore.'

'Malcolm?!' Abbey spluttered, 'Bloody hell, Leon! So while I was off thinking I hated you, bloody Malcolm was making the most of it! And everyone thought it was Sonia or Raihan...'

'Why is it always Raihan? And no, I'm not interested in Sonia. Can't say I was that interested in Malcolm, either, but I was 16. I will chuck you across Wyndon from the Battle Tower if you tell anyone.'

'I won't, I won't. If it makes you feel any better, people took the piss out of me at uni when they found out I'd shoved two fists up my boyfriend's arse.'

He almost choked on his hastily-made coffee. 'How do you even...?!'

'I can show you.'

'Maybe when I'm not wearing beige trousers.'

Giggles became shrieking laughter. He worried they were bothering his neighbours. It only made them laugh more.

'Are you getting the first train?'

'No, I've got to get this thing for Jovi. But the market's not going to open until nine, either.'

'Come with me, then.'

Abbey didn't need to be asked twice. Though the classes exasperated her, a part of her missed them. It was rewarding to see the students struggle and then succeed. Walking to the monorail, she wished she hadn't missed out on years of confessions and laughter with her friend – or, rather, laughing because they were doing the things they confessed together – but she reminded herself it was sweeter because he still loved her now when no-one else did.

Because he did say he loves me. He actually did!

She almost wanted to tell him she loved him, too, but she forced that thought to stay in her head. There was time. She hoped there was forever.

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