Chapter 20: Freedom

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Passengers filtered off flight MC003 to Castelia City into long lines snaking through passport control. Signs prohibited the release of Pokémon. Hop, no less energetic after the eight hour flight, looked around with a wide grin. When he and Leon stepped up to a desk together, Abbey heard his excitable voice – 'I'm here 'cause I've been nominated for the International Science Prize!'

They emerged from the airport to lines of yellow taxis. A grumpy driver tossed Sonia's suitcase – since she expected to do some shopping – into the boot. It rolled down busy highways towards the looming skyline. There were no stars to admire here. The skyscrapers swallowing the little car had their own. Their blinding glow washed the sky of its glitter. Hemmed in by glass and steel, the summer evening was sweltering. They were glad for their hotel's air conditioning.

For once, Leon's phone was charged, though its battery quickly weakened when he kept checking it. Hop told him to put it away. It was 1AM in Galar. Victor was asleep, not awaiting challengers at the Battle Tower.

Stepping back out, they craned their necks to the see tips of the radiant towers surrounding them. Despite nightfall, there was a long line at the famous Casteliacone stand. When they finally made it to the front, Leon took out his credit card, but Hop shoved him out of the way to pay.

'This is Lee's treat for joining us!'

Abbey nodded. 'And his hard work at the Battle Tower.'

He'd improved dramatically in Multi Battles. He and Abbey hadn't managed to beat Hop and Victor yet – those two had been best friends all their lives, after all – but they were getting there. Abbey also thought he deserved some praise for allowing himself regular breaks and time off, but she knew he still thought he wasn't working hard enough.

A young boy anxiously stepped in front of them. 'E-excuse me but – but – I'm – you're my hero, Leon! I watch all of your battles! Please – could I please have a picture?'

'Wow! I'm flattered I have such a big fan in Unova. Of course you can!'

Seeing himself and Charizard on the back of the boy's hoodie – merch that was discontinued after he lost his title – he hesitated before releasing Charizard from its Poké Ball.

'He wants to be in the shot, too!'

'No way!' the boy squealed, 'I can't believe it! I'm really seeing Leon and Charizard! This is the best day ever!'

He let out his equally starstruck Axew. Hop stepped back to get them all in the shot.

'You and Axew will be just as strong as us one day. I can tell she already adores you!'

As the boy babbled on until he burst into tears and Leon hugged him, Abbey couldn't help considering how he interacted with his fans compared to Alfie. Before she returned home, she'd have imagined Leon to be less humble and more dramatic. She knew by now those assumptions weren't accurate. Though Alfie put on a great act of fussing over his fans, it was Leon who, despite being more reserved, appeared truly interested in what they had to say. Alfie's presence and theatrical words had none of the reassuring and encouraging effects Leon's did.

Those unintentional comparisons served to truly convince her Alfie had to go. If someone we've treated as the pinnacle of douchebaggery can be this famous and still treat everyone, in public and behind closed doors, with respect, so can you, Alfie.

Leon shook the boy's trembling hand. 'I'd better see you in the World Championships one day! Promise? And if you're ever in Galar...'

He took one of his rare League Cards from his wallet. 'Come see us at the Battle Tower.'

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