Chapter 84: Misplaced Trust

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Leon accepted Cail's request. Though the streets were quiet and those who were out had relaxed, knowing they wouldn't be relentlessly challenged, he was still embarrassed. They piled back into the car. It zipped around looming cliffs through orange dunes dotted with old mining equipment. Jovi had another landmark to complain about on this journey – the Realgam Tower, government-run now but originally built by Cipher. Cars queued for a basketball final, Pyrite Pioneers vs. Phenac Falinks.

'It's a huge deal,' Michael explained, 'In the Cipher years, sports were exclusive and out-of-region performers wouldn't even come here.'

Dunes flattened. Once they passed Realgam Tower, roads were clear. White walls rose around Phenac City. Towering over it was a dome of cascading water. Michael, acting as their tour guide, explained Orre's oasis-like capital city was founded by a man who drew the water of its numerous canals into the forbidding desert.

'But like everything, the history isn't all bright. Evice was descended from that man.'

Highway 1 led them through walls into canal-lined streets the colours of earth and sky. There were no more potholes. The Galarian Trainers were relieved to see a neon blue sign annoucing a Pokémon Center. Jovi had barely reversed into the parking lot when they got out. Abbey battled a few people in Pyrite and Hop entered a casual tournament. The colosseum's healing machine wasn't quite enough.

After sticky nights in Pyrite, the Pokémon Center's air conditioning was wonderfully refreshing. With Pokémon fully healed, Hop pored over books on Orre and its neighbouring regions. Several were by Jovi and Krane. She showed Hop her father's most acclaimed book on Shadow Pokémon.

'That one's most relevant,' she said, before picking up another, 'But this one might be of interest, too. It's about the Aura Reader, but to develop that he had to research why some people can see Shadow Pokémon auras.'

Visitors were welcome to trade an educational book for one on the shelves. Dropping P2,000 in the Pokémon Center's donation box, Hop took the two books and replaced them with his own on Eternatus and Sonia's on Zacian and Zamazenta.

Outside, the sun baking pale concrete was sweltering. On the city's upper level a queue of tents, sleeping bags and camping chairs wrapped around streets to Phenac Stadium. It was for a concert. With Charizard's Poké Ball back in his hand, Leon's resolve to calm down was fading. He challenged an eager old man, Eroll. Something flickered in Charizard's eyes. Ignoring Leon's commands, it brutally pinned the opposing Crobat to the ground and gouged out its fangs.

'Charizard! Stop it!'

No-one noticed Jovi and Hop slip away. Charizard was badly poisoned. Eroll was shaken. He battled Michael's Shadow Pokémon, but none that ruthless. Michael took them back to the Pokémon Center. The nurse called a dentist. Crobat had to stay overnight. Leon apologised, but it flew over distraught Eroll's head.

'He's been with me since I was 11...'

Michael reasoned with the policeman responding to an onlooker's call. He still insisted on a P75,000 fine. Leon, ignoring Michael's attempts to negotiate, silently handed over his credit card. The officer nodded curtly.

'I'll let you off with that 'cause you're not from here, but this ain't Pyrite. We don't want your Shadow Pokémon here. If you let that thing out again, don't expect us to be so nice.'

'He was hardly nice...' Abbey grumbled when he was out of earshot.

'Phenac PD have let power go to their heads now they've got it,' Michael said, 'But you were here to rest, Leon. Not to battle.'

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