Chapter 65: Champion Randal

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Randal kissed his Moon Ball before throwing it. Leon was at a disadvantage. Randal had six Pokémon. Having left Mr. Rime with Lazlo, Leon had five. He'd watched Randal's matches and was referee for one. He usually sent out Gengar first...

'Out you go, Dragapult!'

'Go! Gengar!'

Gengar's unfaltering grin was menacing. Dragapult grinned back. It crunched Gengar with Psychic Fangs, but it held a Focus Sash and hit back with Shadow Ball. Dragapult was dizzy as it rose. Randal commanded Destiny Bond, hoping to take his opponent down with Gengar, but Dragapult's Sucker Punch was faster. His smile wavered. He didn't kiss the Heavy Ball he tossed.

'Go, Corviknight!'

'Great job, Dragapult! Come back! Go on, Charizard!'

Corviknight's Iron Head was ineffective against Charizard. Damage fizzled. Randal withdrew Corviknight, but Leon predicted it and withdrew Charizard. Dragapult now faced Dracozolt.

'Dragapult! Dragon Darts!'

'It's weak, Dracozolt! Outrage!'

Dracozolt's Quick Claw activated. Its usually sluggish movements were suddenly agile. Dragapult was rammed into a door, unconscious, before it could move. Leon sent out Haxorus.

'Go on, Haxorus! Earthquake!'

Rattling reverberated as the floor and windows violently trembled. Dracozolt was locked into Outrage. It lunged wildly. Haxorus dodged.

'Earthquake again!'

Neither Trainer stumbled on the shaking floor. Dracozolt skidded past its Trainer. It twitched. Then it fell still. Randal's lip jutted. No-one else would have noticed how angry and uncomfortable he was, but Leon had been coaching for seven years. He knew.

'Go, Corviknight!'

'Haxorus, come back! Go, Aegislash!'

Corviknight's wings folded. It darted up to hurtle back down at Aegislash. The Flying-type Brave Bird was ineffective. Knowing Randal couldn't keep switching out, Leon had Aegislash heighten its attack with Swords Dance. None of Corviknight's moves were effective. Aegislash used Swords Dance again. With two attack boosts, it easily took Corviknight out with Sacred Sword.

'Go, my beloved Rillaboom! Knock Off!'

'Aegislash! Iron Head!'

Rillaboom's great arm slammed Aegislash to the floor. Its shield rolled away. Randal smirked.

'Don't get caught up on a critical hit.'

Leon didn't react to Randal's use of his own words. 'Good job, Aegislash. Now go, Charizard!'

Heat Wave scorched Rillaboom. Its mane of leaves curled as it fell. Randal had its Poké Ball in his hand before its roar dimmed. He contemplated a Fast Ball before throwing another plain Poké Ball.

'Drown him, Blastoise!'

Randal's Dynamax band glinted. This is a Power Spot?! Leon yanked up his sleeve. His glowed, too. An iridescent beam shot from Blastoise's Poké Ball. Leon grabbed Charizard's. Smoke filled the corridor. Echoing roars were deafening as the Pokémon grew. The very foundations of the tower shook. Charizard's blazing wings scorched the lofty ceiling. Randal backed away. Leon stood fearlessly in front of his precious Charizard.

'Charizard! Max Overgrowth!'

'Blastoise!' Randal roared, 'Max Cannonade! Now!'

Vines battered Blastoise. Dust crumbled from above. Windows shattered. Randal screamed, cursing, at the top of his lungs, but it couldn't stop Blastoise crashing down to its original form, unconscious. He furiously hurled his final Fast Ball. The Scrafty that burst from it nervously looked up at its oversized opponent.

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