Chapter 36: Hop Vs. Anabel

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Jovi and Abbey followed Hop as he strode off to confront Anabel. Dubwool trotted after him. He repeated that he was more than Leon's brother as if to convince himself. Abbey worried that this match quickly became more than a formality for Hop, but maybe seeing that passion would ease Anabel's veiled nerves.

The rain had stopped. Blinding sunshine baked the soggy road climbing up to Postwick. Anabel waved from atop the hill. Hop might have groaned about her going so far under normal circumstances, but he marched up in silence. A crowd gathered when one of Hop's young neighbours challenged Anabel and lost. Trainers eagerly listened to the advice she gave him. It was the side of her only friends and students at the Battle Tree saw. Greeting her with a determined smile, Hop led her to the town battleground Leon built in their backyard. Hop's mum Jasmine, tending to the garden, affectionately rolled her eyes. She knew he was only here to battle. Abbey felt for a moment as if she might turn to see five year-old Leon challenging Sonia, but a regal home replaced their run-down cottage and his little brother was preparing to prove himself to the International Police. Then Jasmine laid down her clippers.

'Abbey! Is that you?! Oh, my, haven't you grown?! Leon's told us all about your accomplishments. Honestly – going off to Alola! He missed you, you know.'

Abbey beamed, but she felt guilty. It was clear Leon never told his parents she cut him off. Jasmine winked.

'I always thought he had a bit of a thing for you.'

'Really? Well, I'll tell you a secret – I've got a thing for him, too.'

There. Now your mum can repeat it to you.

'You haven't?! Oh, you ought to tell him! I think he'd be overjoyed!'

'We've actually got a date tomorrow, providing I can escape the lab.'

'I'll make sure you do! I'll march right down there and tell Sonia myself!'

Jasmine clearly shared Hop's enthusiasm for finding Leon a partner. Should I have said anything? She had a motherly way of making one so comfortable that secrets tumbled out.

Oh, whatever. She's probably been waiting since he was five to hear that.

'Just don't tell anyone else. You know, he's so famous...'

'My lips are sealed!'

She sighed. 'Honestly, Abbey, I've had it up to here with this Trainer nonsense. I just want my boys to spend some time at home. You'll cajole Leon, won't you?'

'I can try.'

'Now I suppose I'd better watch this match, since it's on my doorstep...'

An old man announced he was the referee. Hop and Anabel took their positions. She told him not to hold back. Dubwool stepped up. Anabel sent out Snorlax. Abbey found herself grinning. She was excited for this match. Things were serious when Anabel had her strongest team... and she knew Hop was strong enough to be a challenge to her. Her new admirers watched over the wall. Dubwool survived Snorlax's Double-Edge to use Body Press. Snorlax was knocked to the floor. Yawning, it straightened up to rush at its opponent with another Double-Edge. The recoil damage knocked it out. Was she going easy on him? Abbey was sure she was, until she saw the glint in Anabel's eyes when she sent out Entei. She didn't waste her energy on weak opponents. She decided then that Hop was strong enough to go all-out. Entei knocked Dubwool out with Sacred Fire. Hop sent out Cinderace. Entei leapt up. As it slammed back to the ground, rocks erupted – at first to Jasmine's dismay, then Hop's – to lacerate Cinderace's feet and back. Stone Edge, Abbey thought, my Cinderace knows that feeling. Blood-stained white fur dusted the floor. Cinderace's knees buckled. Hop began to sound uncertain when he sent out Pincurchin. It survived Entei's Bulldoze, but its Liquidation barely seemed to scratch its opponent. Entei was so proud it was difficult to tell.

The next Bulldoze knocked Pincurchin out. Hop sent out his own Snorlax. It landed with a thud. Entei's Sacred Fire missed. Snorlax stomped to trigger Earthquake. Jasmine glanced worriedly at the rattling plant pots. Entei toppled. Anabel sent out Lucario. It used Aura Sphere. Snorlax winced, but attacked again with Earthquake. The referee stumbled. Something smashed.

'Hop, dear,' Jasmine squeaked, 'Could you use a different move?'

Hop didn't hear. His burning focus was on the battleground as he watched Lucario struggle to stand. Anabel knew it was unconscious. It was zapped back to its Poké Ball. They were 3-3. Anabel sent out Alakazam. Snorlax was propelled, unconscious, into the wall by the invisible force of Focus Blast. The crowd scattered. 4-3. Hop hesitated. He chose one Poké Ball before stowing it away and throwing another.

'Go! Zacian!'

Metal shrieked as the legendary Pokémon dropped from its Ball. The sword it clasped in its steel jaws glimmered. Jasmine forgot the garden. She was beaming proudly, telling Jovi the ancient Pokémon thought her son such a hero it chose to join his team... but like Hop, Jovi wasn't really listening. Her wide eyes, brimming with admiration, were on her friend.

Alakazam was Anabel's first Pokémon. She caught it as an Abra. It was terrifyingly strong, as was their unspoken bond. She didn't need to speak her command.

'Zacian! Use Crunch!'

Zacian was faster. For a moment, as it slashed at Alakazam, Anabel's cool mask dropped to expose utter shock. Alakazam teetered before passing out. She composed herself to send out Raikou. Zacian battered it with Close Combat. Raikou sprang back up to use Thunderbolt, but on the next turn Zacian knocked it out. Hop was winning. 5-4. Latios was Anabel's final Pokémon. The Key Stone on her earring glinted. She was smiling. She rarely found herself backed into a corner so. Shining light cloaked Latios. It emerged from the iridescent cocoon as Mega Latios. Hop clapped his clenched fists together.

'Finish it off, Zacian! Behemoth Blade!'

Even Abbey no longer heard Jasmine's cooing. Her eyes were glued to her homeland's legendary Pokémon. Its sword glowed blinding blue. Then, faster than the eye could follow, it pounced. The sword slashed through Latios as if it tore through space itself. Clouds of fiery dust exploded around them. Blood dripped from the gaping wound in Latios' stomach, but it was still conscious. It fought back with Thunderbolt. Zacian was splayed, unconscious, on the charred ground. 5-5. Hop sent out his final Pokémon. Corviknight screeched. It was almost knocked down by Thunderbolt, but struggled back up to charge at Latios with Iron Head. Dust flew. Latios hit the floor. The referee, hobbling in, waved his walking stick.

'And the winner is Hop!'

Anabel shook his hand. 'Thank you... not just for your offer to help, but for a wonderful battle. The total control you have over Zacian... a Pokémon thought to be untameable... you are truly an incredible Trainer.'

Jovi clapped, but something on Hop's mind prevented him from registering the weight of his win.

'Can I ask you something?'


'Did Victor beat you?'


Hop's face lit up. He couldn't hold back childlike laughter that came with his uncontrollable grin. Though he hadn't beaten Victor, not directly, Abbey knew exactly what was so glorious to him... that triumphant feeling of beating one's oldest, most challenging rival for the first time.

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