3 - Hot n' Hot-headed

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With the rain forcing you to start up any means of conversation with the monster, you suck up your pride and give him your number half an hour into your wait.

"I might have jus' enough energy to drive us there without havin' to wait so much," he says. "But I'm gonna have to take the wheel from here on."

Letting him drive is by far crossing the line you've drawn between him and yourself, yet you can't exactly rule out his reasoning behind it. Before you can spell out another 'why' in protest, he continues, preventing you from interrogating him again, "My normal magic's strong enough for small tasks, so I can try castin' a veil over the windshield, kinda like how I did last time you almost fell into the river."

It makes sense, though you hesitate, pride further shrunken when you realize you didn't exactly thank Sans for last time. "Won't it tire you out?"

"A lil', yeah. But it's better than waitin' some more, and I can just sleep that off as soon as we get to Tori's."

You face the wheel, reluctant to let go. "...Are you sure? But what about your car?"

He nods. "It's already locked. We can think about that later."

Facing the rain, you bite on your lip and consider the options: either stay here for what you assume will be a few more hours alone with the skeleton, or agree with him and get to Toriel's on time. The meeting you have at work arrives to your mental to-do list, influencing your thoughts on what decision to make.

Sans was offering to help you out, but at what cost? Would he bring it all up later and make mention of how much you owed him? And then again, hadn’t he been obnoxious enough with his flirting for you to have a counter-argument about it? 

Whatever his reasons were for having offered to show you around the Underground and help you meet Frisk’s monster friends, you truly don’t have time to delay. As a result, you backpedal, sighing out your frustration and letting go of the wheel. “Thank you.” Glancing at the back of the van, and later back at him, you give him another look of warning before speaking up again, “Back away first,” you instruct, lips a firm line. “If you're gonna move over to the wheel, you're too close for what I’m about to do.”

"Sure." He grins, backing up against the front passenger door. “Whatever ya want, lady.”

You eye him over again, making sure he’s distant enough for you to do it. When you're certain, you flatten out your uniform's skirt, hold it down with one hand, and climb into the backseat as best as you can. Caution over not letting anything show deems your movements clumsy. Your foot almost slips, though you catch yourself, resulting in a not-so graceful land, face hitting the seats.

“You can move over now.” You fix your clothing, looking back to the front of the van when you’re done. “I’m not doing that again in front of you, so I’ll just stay here for the rest of the ride.” While you notice his irises have been gazing out at the rain, you don’t rule out the possibility of him having slipped in a look on you while you were moving over to the back. Simply confiding the monster with your van was enough trust for one day. Having given your back to him in the most literal sense possible was exceeding it.

“Noted,” he replies, laughing. “But don’t worry. If you’re worried about me ogling you, I only saw you climb over to the backseat, and nothin’ else. I don’t like lookin' at people that way.”

“Didn’t you do that barely a few hours ago, though?”

“I was mostly kinda just surprised at how mom-like you look.”

You face him with stoic eyes, unamused. “Oh, that’s all, I’m sure.” You're sitting straight on the backseat, hands folded on your lap as you face the windshield, distracting yourself from his gaze. Worry over the rain not picking up makes you wonder if Frisk’s doing okay, and what they could be up to with the goat lady and the rest of their monster friends. “Are you always this shameless, or am I a special case for you?”

Transmission, Intermission - [Sans x Reader | Old Version!]Where stories live. Discover now