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...Now, going back to normal, here's the new story (prologue is already up!) for those who don't want to hear my reasons behind that choice:

Now, going back to normal, here's the new story (prologue is already up!) for those who don't want to hear my reasons behind that choice:

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(But do read the small, bolded paragraph below though, as it explains when chapter 27 [the continuation of TraInt] would be up!)

The first 3 to 5 chapters for the new version [now named Fairytale Complex] will contain brand new plot points, so chapter 1 on TraInt would be chapter 4 or 6 on there. After that, story updates will be quick, as the chapters you've already read on here will only receive quick and simpler edits that will make the plot and story arcs run smoother and improve the overall writing quality and fluidity, in general. Meaning that, to those who've already read until chapter 26, the story will most likely continue by mid January or early February 2021, with chapter 27 probably being chapter 30/33/35 based on the changes I'll be making! I apologize for the wait to those who were looking forward to chapter 27 this Saturday, but I felt like it had to be done.

Now, onto the explanation, made a numbered list for quick and easy reading:

1. When I first wrote most of the stories on this account, I was in a bad place (both physically and mentally). My physical health was only just beginning to deteriorate by then, and as a consequence, my mental health took a blow, spiking my self-consciousness and other stuff.

2. During the process, I also finally assessed myself with professional help and later came out as the T from LGBT+ (on Wattpad and very subtly in my letter to all readers and writers, at least).

3. Pile all that up, and it resulted in me feeling and living like this comic strip: It's a Living.

4. So yeah, basically: I felt like I wasn't good enough; like I was trying my hardest for mediocre results. I'm pretty proud and happy of how far this fanfic got, but there's a lotta things I want to improve, such as:

- The plot fluidity, in general.

- Making the relationship between the Reader and Sans a bit more realistic, all while still keeping the whole romcom aspect of the story intact.

- Making it much more slow burning. Meaning, it'll take a lot more until any smoochy-smoochy stuff happens.  >:-)

- Highlighting the parent-child relationship between the Reader and Frisk. This story was primarily made as an inspiration taken from all the young parents I've met in college so far (in my country, we can go to college by the age of 17/18, so there were plenty who were either a bit older than that with a family they had to care for already, or giving up their role as an elder sibling and thus taking up the role of their missing parent[s]), who met near extreme ends meet just to continue with their own lives, all while still raising another.

- Highlighting the complexities and dangers of being in a relationship while you're still mentally vulnerable. The Reader shouldn't really date Sans yet and won't. At least, not until the relationship's become more real, with more depth, and not like this quote: “Men often go for lonely women. Maybe it's love, maybe not. I don't know. If loneliness brings you together, you'll be even lonelier when it ends.” – Kyle Hyde, from the game Hotel Dusk: Room 215 (good game, btw)

- Among other stuff that counts as plot spoilers.

- Small thing though: I'm not sure whether to keep the reader female or make it gender neutral?? For now, I've kept it optional, but I'll probably decide that later or maybe make a poll/survey to decide in the future?? This is a trickier decision, so it'll probably take awhile until it's set in stone.

5. So anyway, with all that being said: Thank you for reading until here, and if anyone so happens to still be interested in this story despite me choosing to rewrite it seemingly suddenly and out of nowhere (even though it's been on my mind for a while!), thank you for your patience. :-)

(Final thing: The new version of TraInt will be much more children's book/fable-esque, meaning that the rating will be toned down a little bit more. I'll be keeping the extras book for more serious/spicier/darker stuff, just like readers recommended I did with the very first poll/survey I made for this fanfic.)

And as always, take care and stay safe, everyone!

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