11 - Two bros, chilling in a hot tub

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As the storm worsens, so does him. He's shaking from head to toe, but when you ask him about it, he says it's fine. An hour's passed since you booked the room, all the banter and light-hearted nature from before having faded away since more than an hour ago. A loud and flashy one strikes, sending electrical appliances nearby into an on and off frenzy. You look towards the skeleton sitting farther away from you and notice how his grip on a pillow strengthens, his fear being let out through it. 

The view makes you think back on last time and how you'd dealt with the situation, considering it again. You sit next to him in bed, stretching your arms out when he looks at you. It's as if he's stumbled upon an alien, with his irises looking you up and down in the most confused way possible. "C'mere," you offer, patting at your lap. "Take it as a thank you for everything you've done so far." You scoot closer to him, only backing away when you see him taut up and a bead of sweat make its way down his forehead. "I mean it."

Sans doesn't have a choice with how violent the next one is. He's practically sent into your lap as the lights go out; his grip on you turns almost painful, the hardness of his touch sinking into your skin. The monster's face ends up pressed close to your chest while his hands go back down to your waist; his shaking's prominent, even with how strong he holds onto you. The lights go back on, allegedly due to a power plant with how much weaker they glow. A murmur leaves his teeth, none of the words capable of being deciphered with how wild the weather outside is. "What did you say?" you ask, bringing him closer. "I couldn't hear you." You shift your positions so that you can lay your head against the headboard and cuddle up to him more. 

His chest heaves subtly as another one strikes. "What made you do this?" He breathes out, loosening his grip on you. "For us to end up like this, I mean."

"Are you sure you're okay to talk about that right now?" you ask, wrapping an arm around his waist. "You're shaking, Sans, and I already know why, so it's no big deal." You stop to look at him through the mirror set before the bed, his face still hidden from your view. "We can talk about it later, if you want."

You expect disagreement, only to receive it partially. Sans moves away from your hold and sits up straight on the bed. Then, he looks down at you, your current position making it awkward. He seems to notice that himself, having to look away to lessen that feeling. "So, uh… Thanks, (Y/N)," he says, facing elsewhere. "But you don't need to do that. If you feel like all this stuff is your responsibility, then I don't think it's okay for me to approach you like this." He flinches when another one strikes, yet he manages to recover quicker than before. "You don't have to force yourself into makin' this feel like a date, 'cause I'm not askin' that of you."

You sit up and move behind him, holding his shoulders. "And I'm not trying to make this a date, Sans," you reply. "I'm just trying to help you with what's happening right now." You hold his waist, freezing when you feel him shudder under your touch. "Though I won't deny that I, well…" Your throat feels dry and your face turns hot, hands doing the opposite. "That it's been too long since I've felt this way." Your eyes close with the next crash, how loud it is making even you seek some comfort from the embrace. "It feels nice to be liked, and to… to actually live life a little more. Today, I… I felt so alive. Even with those guys calling me names, I had fun."

With the latest thunder appearing to have been the last, Sans again shimmies out of your hold and turns to you. He meets with your gaze and a hand places itself over yours. Then, he scoots closer, his hand tugging for you to go lower while he goes higher.

Your lips brush with his teeth, and you close your eyes while he does the same with his sockets. It ends far too quickly, yet it's enough for you to be fulfilled, just as much as he looks to be when you pull back, open your eyes, and see him grinning. A brighter light's present in his irises, and judging by how he looks at you, you can already tell you've given him more than enough of a reason for him to tease you over this in the future. "So I take it the first date was a success?"

Transmission, Intermission - [Sans x Reader | Old Version!]Where stories live. Discover now