Second Announcement + Extras

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Hello again!

First off: Updates will be moved over to Sundays starting tomorrow! I'm making changes in schedule due to my health, so if you're reading any of my other fanfics, this's a heads-up to let you know I'll be doing the same thing with the rest.

Now, moving on to the title:

Due to the first comment shown above, I've been working on making chapter 1 of this story a bit more thorough. The second comment helped me decide as to whether I should make a survey for this or not, so I'll be sharing it with you down below.

But first, here's an additional 1k word scene I wrote for chapter 1, in order to make it less confusing. My idea's to merge it with the rest of the chapter!

Here it is:

The wind's strong enough to topple anyone over, yet you stand your ground, eager to set things straight with the monsters. A skeleton stands before you, the look in his irises far more revealing of knowledge and insight compared to his easygoing demeanour or the goofy contrast his grin gives off. He knows what you're here for, either due to the stern look persisting on your face, or seeing that you're demanding an explanation from him. You're impatient, barely giving him an opportunity to introduce himself properly, and even less wait until you both made your way out of the mountains. "If you're meant to be a figure of justice and judgment for the Underground, then how could you still allow Frisk to go off on a journey like this one?" you ask, crossing your arms tight. "I refuse to let you and your kind continue being a part of Frisk's life, unless I start getting some explanations from you and everyone else about this."

The skeleton rubs the back of his skull. He faces the ground for a moment, replying with, "I'd gladly answer all your questions, lady. But first, we should get outta here." He meets with your gaze, reluctance present in his own. Either you've intimidated him with your fury, or he's against explaining what happened at the Underground while your child adventured it. "The top of a mountain ain't really the best place for us to talk. We can discuss this better somewhere else."

Giving in, you uncross your arms and place your hands on your hips. You're not quite in favor of being anywhere else with the monster, though you don't want to decline an opportunity for getting to understand the situation a little more thoroughly. "As long as it's somewhere busy, then sure," you say, lips frowning and pouted. "I don't trust you enough to be anywhere alone together with you."

He chuckles and stuffs his hands in his pockets, posture far too relaxed for the situation he's in. "That's understandable, lady. Though I'm afraid the Underground's a lil' empty right now. Everyone's out there enjoyin' the outdoors, but I can give you a quick tour of the place while I explain everything." He offers out a hand out to you, one you reject by crossing your arms again.

"Alright," you say, huffing. It's difficult deciding whether to trust his intentions or not, that alone obliging you to take awhile to say anything else. "Where to? I'd like to see the places Frisk went through while I wasn't around for them." A pang hits your chest when you say that, mind and heart both equally guilting themselves over having let Frisk slip away from your watch. They could've been killed during their journey Underground, and you would've been to blame. Not only did your child lack in having an attentive father, yet they also had you: an irresponsible mother; all according to your own judgement, at least. "I failed them as their mother by letting them run this far," you add, biting back a frown. "So now I need to keep a more careful watch over them. And that includes understanding what all this means and what your kind did to them, even if things turned out okay in the end."

"So you're sayin' this's all your fault? 'Cuz from what the kid told me about you, I honestly doubt it," the monster says, his grin widening. "Where's the other parent? Whoever they are, they should be equally responsible with what happened here."

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