12 - Darmstadtium, Protactinium, Chlorine, Thorium, Oxygen

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Sun pours through windows with half-open curtains, waking you up. The emptiness of a bed too large for one person hits you, making you feel around with half-lidded eyes, still too groggy to fully assess the state of your surroundings. You stand up and stretch, allowing yourself some time before you adjust to the changes. Faint snores from a corner of the room makes your head snap towards the noise. There, you see Sans draped over a couch, with a towel being used as a makeshift blanket. Even with the uncomfortable posture he seems to hold and the general hardness of the couch, he's out like a light, chest rising and falling in a consistently slow motion.

If you remembered correctly, you'd made space for him in bed, too used to having cousins, close friends, and even Frisk come up to your bed for you to feel awkward about sleeping with someone on the same space. The first two were usually whenever large family gatherings took place, whereas Frisk climbed in whenever they had a bad dream. Having someone beside you wasn't uncommon; if they needed somewhere to stay, you would provide them with it, yet you'd forgotten to ask Sans yesterday night if he felt the same way. Him sleeping on the couch reveals he doesn't.

You gather up strength, approach him as carefully as you can manage, and bring your arms around his waist, picking him up newborn style. Bridal was too risky in terms of having him wake up, and so was straight up nudging him awake just to tell him he could move over to the bed. You place him there and drag the sheets over him, smiling when you see he's still sleeping. When you stare at his face for a little too long, you remind yourself of yesterday night and the kiss you'd both shared.

'What happened to you yesterday?', 'Were you drunk?', and 'Why did you kiss him?' are just a few of the many questions you could (judgingly) ask to yourself in front of the bathroom mirror.

Sure, you'd only ever dated one other person before you ended up with Jerry, only to then end up pregnant first try, and then have little to no interaction with him or anybody else for the next seven years, but that couldn't've been enough to have brought the impulse for you to date a complete stranger... Right?

You weren't desperate!

As you continue chastising your reflection in the bathroom mirror, you hear a knock on the door, halting your judgement. "You there?"

You want to disappear, and maybe time travel to change things up a bit.

"Uh," you say, words about as flowing as a carefully recited poem. "Yeah."

"...You doing okay?"

"I think so."

Such a blissful time had to have its consequences. Maybe then you were too over-the-moon to care, but now that you consider the fact you'd actually kissed him and stayed a night with him at a shady hotel makes this an experience you would rather forget. "Did you think I left without you?" you ask, stepping into the shower. You don't undress yet, anticipating an answer.

"I might've," he replies, chuckling. "Yesterday was really somethin' else."

"That's an understatement."

You take off your clothes and turn on the shower, standing there for a while. Your attention focuses on the lowermost part of your abdomen, seeing a bit of pudginess at the sides, or 'love handles', as the skeleton called it. "...Did I really wear a swimsuit yesterday?" you ask, still in denial.

Sans's voice turns faint with the sound of the water running, though you can still hear when he replies with, "A one-piece, yeah. It, uh, looked good on you, though."

The conversation ends as you huff and continue showering. While you do, distant sounds of someone else present in the room brings back memories from when you used to live with more than one other person aside from Frisk. It's strange to hear noises outside of your own and their's. You finish up with that thought still on your mind, remaining until you take a towel and cover yourself with it. Approaching a basket with yesterday's clothes now clean and dry's the next thing to play with your mind, again used to being a family of two after seven whole years carrying on with the same routine. You dismiss those thoughts and remind yourself it's no time to be daydreaming.

Transmission, Intermission - [Sans x Reader | Old Version!]Where stories live. Discover now