26 - Backhanded (Part Two)

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Mild Trigger Warning(s):

anxiety-related issues and unintentional self-harm

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Thankfully, you've managed to finish up the stew by now and drink the rest of the water before it's your time to speak up.

The man offers his hand out to you with a flourish similar to Mettaton's, though he's much more subtle in his movements. There's a look in his eye you're not quite comfortable with, made worse when you see him grin and look at you with it still pasted on his face. When you hear him let out a soft yet shaky exhale, you're thrown back harshly to the night from two days ago, though you pass that off as leftover paranoia from the event. "I heard the news, and may I say, I feel terribly sorry for your loss." He keeps his hand extended out to you, yet you resist on taking it. Toriel helps with that by placing her hands over your shoulders, creating a subtle barrier between you and the man.

"Nobody's dead, sir," Undyne barks, sounding more annoyed with each passing second. "Get on with it. The patient needs to rest."

He ignores the fish woman's comment and instead takes out a few business cards out of his pocket, offering one out to you. Toriel holds you tight and continues to give a wary eye at the man. Meanwhile, you try to take a look at the card, though the man's voice distracts your attention away from it.

"Though I've tried to maintain my discretion, I believe it's finally time for us to get to know each other, miss. And what better time than when you've only recently switched jobs, and ended up in a hospital because of it barely half a year after?" Again, you try to look at the card, yet he drags your attention back to him. "I believe to be a diligent and well-off man who can afford all the expenses you may require for your… friend's hopeful recovery," he says, sparing a glance at the skeleton's soul, now protected by a thicker container for additional security measures. "But I've only one condition," he adds, looking back to you.

Two beeps.

Toriel sighs and sends a look of discontentment at the man. She tries to keep her composure by flattening out her skirt and clenching its fabric, though it's clear she's got less than a smidge of patience left in her. "...Please let him speak, Sans," she says, words strained. 

Two beeps.

Both Sans and her are ignored as the man continues to approach your side. He's close enough for you to hear his breathing more clearer now, yet you continue to reassure yourself over it not being possible to know how someone breathes, and that you're simply being influenced by the aftermaths of the event from two nights ago. When he takes his next step forward, you stay on guard and Toriel does the same. She lets go of your shoulders to stand up straight and prepares herself for the unknown. 

"And that is…" He takes your hand and kisses it, grinning against it. "...having you as my date for one night."

Two beeps.

"You will have the opportunity of going out with someone as successful as me, all while simultaneously helping fasten your friend's recovery."

Two beeps, louder this time.

"You are too lovely of a lady to be wasting your time away like this, so I can make it easier for you by taking you on a date and hurrying up a tiresome process. "I'll shower you in affection until this man recovers, and even then, I can still offer you more, as I'm sure a skeleton, and let alone a husk of a robot, cannot possibly know how to love you properly, as would an average hu-"

Transmission, Intermission - [Sans x Reader | Old Version!]Where stories live. Discover now