15 - Oh, Sugar Honey Iced Tea

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Alternate Chapter Title:

Hey, mami (the live action)

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When you're done freshening up, dinner's already underway. The scent of vegetables and broth hits your nose, and the cold temperature left behind by the storm brings forth an additional hint as to what the monster was cooking up for dinner. You try to stay soundless as you sneak off to the kitchen and stand behind him, looking over his shoulder when you make it there.

"I can tell you're here, lady," Sans says, chuckling. He turns to you, a spoon held up in his hand. There's a sample of soup on it, waiting to be tested. The scent reminds you over having missed lunch break due to the stormy weather, the hours that lasted bringing forth your boss's decision to call the rest of your shift off. You were supposed to be on your last meeting by now, yet the rain and wind had proven to be superior, canceling all plans. Less work meant less pay, though you try to refrain yourself from worrying too much about that right now. "Taste it." He offers it out to you, waiting. You, on the other hand, take a while to do anything, overthinking the situation as you then debate on whether to take the spoon or taste it right off his hand. The first option had the risk of you brushing hands with the monster and spilling the soup in the process, yet tasting it right off his hand was almost unthinkable to do. 

Another thought pops into your mind, and that's whether it was fine to trust the monster by tasting the food without even inspecting it yet. Though you knew him for a few months now, it's still impossible not to acknowledge a possibility like that one. If a man you'd known for so many years had ended up leaving you, only to make a scene like yesterday's when trying to get back with you, who's to say a complete stranger with customs far different from yours wouldn't do something similar, or even worse?

You remind yourself of your main and original task: confronting him and the rest of the monsters over the choices they made back at the Underground, regardless of how charming and kind they were being to you currently. Sans was no less of an exception. This wasn't only for Frisk's safety and their overall state of well-being, but for your own reputation as their mother, and for your peace of mind, too.

You figure you've taken too long based on how the skeleton backs the spoon away.

His grin widens and he sips the contents off the spoon, leaving it empty. "I promise it ain't poisoned." He gives his back to you as he goes to wash the spoon, offering it empty to you after it's cleaned. "You can taste it now." He moves aside, leaving space for you to step in and scoop a bit of the soup still bubbling in the pot.

Just as you're about to eat it though, he says, "I'm not the best cook around, so go ahead and lemme know if it tastes funny." 

A smile forms on your face when you hear that, captivated by the idea of him having no clue how to begin cooking, and even more so, considering he was at your home instead of his. If it was often difficult for beginners to cook in the familiarity of their own home, you can't imagine how it must be doing that at another person's place. For a brief moment, you wish you could've seen him in the process of cooking, an opportunity you'd lost while you went off to shower and change.

When you taste it, what's missing drops into your thoughts, years of having cooked at home revealing the capability of identifying it quickly. You consider the suggestion, confirming what the soup's lacking when you clean up the spoon and take a second sample off the pot. "It's good," you say, setting it aside. "Just needs a little bit of salt and more time to stew. The rest is fine."

Transmission, Intermission - [Sans x Reader | Old Version!]Where stories live. Discover now