23 - Pressure Point

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"Approximately four were gravely injured, thirty three received minor wounds, and one passed. Victims of the event are now in the first ever hospital made for both humans and monsters. Stay tuned for more at six."

You lower the volume as commercials begin to play. Frisk tugs at your hand for you to join them, though you're not exactly wanting or willing to face the situation, its reality much too difficult to bear. The one you'd judged the harshest out of all monsters was now bedridden, the result of her having intervened just as one of the assaulters was about to go off on a shooting spree. Undyne is by far the most affected of everyone you've seen leave the room, yet she was also the most to hold herself back.

Now that it's your turn to see her, you're not quite sure how to approach the situation. You still couldn't forget what she'd done to her own kind, and you felt just as bad by wanting to overcome that judgment as you did over not wanting to.

Your footsteps are light and careful as you walk forward. Two kinds of regret show up when you see the state she's in: patched up to an extent where only her face is left visible and recognizable on a first glance. The rest of her is either covered up in thick layers of bandages or connected to multiple medical serums, all of these serving a different purpose to her condition. You observe her face and see she's calm despite the pain, and you can almost see a faint smile present on it. She squeezes your hand when you take it, and her eyes open up, revealing a tired and squinted gaze, the second of those two being due to the lack of her glasses. 

"Thank you for visiting me," Alphys says, pulling her hand back. "I… I got more visits than I thought I would… A- And most of these feel like way too much. I r- really, really don't deserve any of them."

You tense up as she almost seems to read into your thoughts about the internal conflict you were having with her. Thankfully, a memory pops into your mind, one that reminds you over what you could do to weigh this matter out a little better. "Alphys…" you mutter, sighing. 

Be it due to a moment of weakness or high tension, you'd allowed Jerry to hug you after so many years. Similarly, there were certain members of your family who'd hurt you one way or another; be it directly or indirectly; be it grave or minor. Some of these you'd managed to forgive with time and experience, and some of them you were far from ever contacting again. You try to determine the same judgment for Alphys and settle with, "That's not true. Your actions weren't in vain; lots of students were able to come out safe because of them." 

Alphys smiles again; it's weak, but it's still there and honest, brightening up her face. "I'm surprised y- you of all people came to visit me, th- though." She looks behind you to stare at Frisk, who's now seated at the visitor's lounge, waiting for you to finish the conversation. "Even though he already had a conscience and life before the body I gave him, I... purposely made Mettaton's new one so it could… chase after certain people. A- And then I also messed up big time with, well… you- y'know." Her smile turns weaker, almost seeming to fade away. "Frisk had to go through a lot because of me, s- so I'm surprised their mom of all people would show up here to see me."

All of a sudden, her expression changes to wide eyes and an agape mouth. She stands up a bit and tries to stare at you directly, though that results in more squinting and her trying to focus her vision on one place. "Th- That being said… How did things go with, um, the- the chemistry teacher? He told me what really happened that day I saw him on your, um, lap, b- but I was wondering how things developed from there."

You smile and reply with, "We didn't have much chemistry between us, so we're still just… friends, I guess."

Alphys snorts and her soul monitor speeds up its pace. She faces you with a full grin now, saying, "Oh, y- you're friends alright. A- Anybody with that sense of humour's probably spent time together with him." Amusement fades and her face retains a stoic expression. The abrupt change makes you furrow your gaze, developing a few creases on your forehead. "I... th- thought you guys kissed, though? What happened after that?"

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