7 - Balcony, Balconx, Balsincostan

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Would she get angry over him having caught her dancing?

That's the only question Sans can ask himself when he enters Frisk's bedroom, both mother and child too busy moving to the fast-paced beat of the song to notice him by the door. Against interrupting their moment, he stands by and observes. He pays attention to both people involved in the dance, though his irises waver over to the near flawless sway of (Y/N)'s arms, waist, and footsteps, following up to the harmony of the song. The view makes him wonder if, perhaps, she'd practiced a similar dance for the night of her wedding. It's either that, or she's secretly a dance teacher, somehow balanced with her work as a secretary. There's likely no other reasonable explanation over the swiftness and clean execution in each step she takes, likely to must have some professional experience based on how quickly she adjusts to the changes in rhythm with overwhelming ease.

"Come on, dear!" she exclaims, grabbing her child by both hands and swaying them around the room. Her feet stomp rhythmically against the wooden floor, keeping up with the younger one's pace. "We'll be dancing this for your birthday in no time!" She laughs when Frisk stumbles and covers it up with improv, claps being given as a reward over their recovery. "See that? You're doing great!"

The music carries on playing as they both take a break, though the smile on (Y/N)'s face fades away the moment she takes her phone. She lowers the volume some and frowns at the screen. Her expression's kept hidden from Frisk, who's now resting their head on her lap, their breaths steadying while hers quicken. Her gaze turns wet, her shoulders become stiff, and she blinks a few times, lower lip bitten on to stop herself from crying.


Sans doesn't know what makes him call out for her so quickly, something about the woman frowning with genuine sadness rather than annoyance over his flirting making his soul ache. She looks towards him, her shirt's sleeve wiping the one tear that does manage to leave her cheek. "Yes?"

He wonders just what excuse he can come up with, choosing the worst one out of pure unpreparedness. "You dance good."

Weren't Frisk on her lap, he would've no doubt assumed she would be kicking him out by now, yet all she can manage is another question, sounding borderline pissed when it leaves her mouth, "Just how much did you see?"

"...Everything?" Again, he screws up, seeing her glare darken. "I mean it, though," he adds, hoping for the best. "Are ya really gonna dance with Frisk for their birthday?"

Finally, she smiles, a nod accompanying it. "Yeah. It's... kind of a tradition by now." She holds Frisk by their underarms, standing up to lift them high in the sky. "It's our fifth time doing this, right, dear? Though I doubt you remember when you were three!" She twirls them around, laughing when Frisk does, the pair's foreheads bumping with each other when they stop. "And I'll keep doing it for as long as they want to!"

Her phone rings, halting her joy again. She sets Frisk back down on the floor and clenches her hands in seek of courage. When she finds some, she takes the device from where she'd left it, eyes tearing up again. "Could you watch them for a moment? I... I need to take this call."

Sans nods, gesturing for her to go on ahead. "No problem, lady. Take your time."

"Thank you."

When she's gone, Frisk's smile falls and its not long until they frown. They approach the skeleton's side and tug at his jacket, grabbing his attention. He looks down at them, now sitting by the floor, music long faded from the room. "Is mom okay?" they sign, facing him. "She's been looking at her phone all day, but she won't tell me what's wrong."

Sans lets out a sigh, sitting beside Frisk as he nods, trying his best not to bring any unnecessary tension into the situation. "I'm sure she's fine," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "She's just, uh... worried, as a parent." While he wasn't one for making quick assumptions, he can only figure the frown on her face is connected to her ex. If it was Frisk's birthday soon, it would no doubt mean he was trying to make contact with her again. "She just doesn't wanna make ya worry 'bout unnecessary stuff, so maybe that's why she's keeping it from you."

Transmission, Intermission - [Sans x Reader | Old Version!]Where stories live. Discover now